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Author Topic: QU print queue question  (Read 8660 times)
Wolfgang Exler
Posts: 17

21814841 divemasterexi@msn.com wolfiexler wolfgang_exler
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:25:46 PM »

Hey everybody,

I use QU with an Epson Stylus Photo R1900, which is connected to a LAN using an EpsonNet 802.11b/g Wireless and 10/100 Base Tx Ext. Print Server, I use a wired Connection.
Printing works fine, I just run into some "print stopping" depending on the QU Print Spooler Settings. With the Default Settings "spool all pages at once" the print process sometimes hangs when I have to Change cartridges during print Jobs. Hang means after I Change the ink cartridge the epson Spooling Dialog appears, QU print Job is done but printing does not continue. I have to quit apps, stop the Spooler Service with "net stop Spooler", delete the print Queue files, restart the Spooler Service and start printing again.

So I changed the print Spooler Settings to "spool one page at a time". But then the print Job stops after page one and QU Shows "waiting for Printer - Click to override". Printing does not continue even if the Printer is no longer busy, I always have to "click to override".

Now I changed the print Spooler Setting to "spool with time delay" and set the delay to 1 m 0 s. and now it works as expected.

Is there something I did wrong with my configuration?


Wolfgang Exler
Stuttgart, Germany
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4229

« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 08:29:04 PM »

Spool one page at a time depends on the printer driver sending a page signal to Windows and then the Windows spooler forwarding that message to QU.  If that option isn't working, either the driver is fouling up or Windows loses the signal when you pause to change cartridges.  Nothing I can do about that because at that point, it's 100% dependent on the printer driver and Windows spooler.

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