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Author Topic: v2012.200 issues/comments  (Read 24413 times)
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2011, 07:22:07 PM »

Hi similar problem I now get read errors on lots of tiffs (large ones) that was ok in previous versions. I did shift analize settings and get 2000/1830/1465 Is this low? I have 16gb of ram installed is QU only able to use 2gb?
Thanks Phill


Could you please comment on the display quality of large TIFFs via SPACE bar in QIU. Specifically comparing the latest version with v2011.



Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2011, 07:29:55 PM »

Thanks Mike.

I omitted to point out that the same set of TIFFs did not cause any thumbnail nor display problems on QIU v2011, running on Windows XP 32bit.

On the Win XP Pro PC changing the Thumbnail build to single core made no difference.

I have since found out that even some of the large TIFF panoramas that have correctly generated thumbnails can not be displayed using SPACE nor double-click. Get a red "Image Read Error" on the screen.


What are the pixel dimensions of these files?  I also need an answer to what I asked you earlier: when you hold the shift key while selecting Help, Analyze Current Settings, what numbers do you get for memory?  You might have been right on the edge of what could be loaded before and now, your machine has slightly less available memory just due to what is currently loaded in Windows.  Which brings me to my final question: when was the last time you rebooted the machine?  Could be some other issues causing low memory that may go away with a reboot.  XP wasn't very good at managing memory which is why complaints about loading large images are pretty much confined to the obsolete OS's: XP, 2000, NT.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2011, 07:42:57 PM »

Thanks Mike.

I omitted to point out that the same set of TIFFs did not cause any thumbnail nor display problems on QIU v2011, running on Windows XP 32bit.

On the Win XP Pro PC changing the Thumbnail build to single core made no difference.

I have since found out that even some of the large TIFF panoramas that have correctly generated thumbnails can not be displayed using SPACE nor double-click. Get a red "Image Read Error" on the screen.


What are the pixel dimensions of these files?  I also need an answer to what I asked you earlier: when you hold the shift key while selecting Help, Analyze Current Settings, what numbers do you get for memory?  You might have been right on the edge of what could be loaded before and now, your machine has slightly less available memory just due to what is currently loaded in Windows.  Which brings me to my final question: when was the last time you rebooted the machine?  Could be some other issues causing low memory that may go away with a reboot.  XP wasn't very good at managing memory which is why complaints about loading large images are pretty much confined to the obsolete OS's: XP, 2000, NT.


1255 252 1255

8,000 pixels to 14,000 wide by 3,000 to 5,000 high

Reboot didn't resolve it.

Please also note the revision to the post of mine you quoted. Even if thumbnails are generated correctly the panoramas can not be displayed using the SPACE bar.

Yes, seems like an Win XP centric problem but why is it occurring now?

That said, my XP Pro version is only a backup.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2011, 09:15:40 PM »

Try v2012.202.  I was able to reduce TIFF memory requirements just a bit, so that might help the older more geriatric systems out there.  Wink


PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2011, 09:35:24 PM »

Try v2012.202.  I was able to reduce TIFF memory requirements just a bit, so that might help the older more geriatric systems out there.  Wink



Thanks Mike.

With 202, on Win XP Pro, can now view all large panoramic TIFFs that have thumbnails correctly generated.

The number of thumbnails with "Image Read Error"s seems to have reduced. Those that display the error seem to be greater than 300MB in size. (Largest in the specific folder is about 75MB)

FYI: all the TIFFs are 48bit.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2011, 10:17:58 PM »

I've done all I can on this side.  To load very large 48 bit TIFFs, you really need to get your memory up as high as you can.  1255 isn't bad but well equipped XP systems usually run 1650 up to 2000 which is what you should be shooting for if you regularly work with super large 48 bit TIFFs.  How much RAM is installed in the machine?  With enough RAM, you can get 2000 pretty easily on XP using the 3GB switch.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2011, 11:56:23 PM »

I've done all I can on this side.  To load very large 48 bit TIFFs, you really need to get your memory up as high as you can.  1255 isn't bad but well equipped XP systems usually run 1650 up to 2000 which is what you should be shooting for if you regularly work with super large 48 bit TIFFs.  How much RAM is installed in the machine?  With enough RAM, you can get 2000 pretty easily on XP using the 3GB switch.


Thanks Mike.

I will implement the 3GB switch and check its effect.


PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2011, 09:17:39 AM »

Implemented /3GB switch on Win XP Pro.

Now all TIFFs except a 770MB image (probably the biggest in folder) generated thumbnails and displayed properly.

Out of curiosity I reloaded 2011.136 and everything displayed correctly.



Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2011, 12:11:19 PM »

What are your memory readings now under shift-analyze current settings, and what is the resolution of the 770MB image and is it a 48 bit TIFF?  The 2011 versions only loaded 24 bits of a 48 bit image.  The 2012 version, being future driven, loads all 48 bits thereby doubling memory requirements if you use 48 bit TIFFs.  If these are final print-ready images, you're just wasting space and doubling memory requirements by saving 48 bit TIFFs.  I would suggest using 24 bit images, especially if you are going to be working primarily on an older system with a now decade-old operating system.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4257

« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2011, 12:24:09 PM »

BTW, forgot to mention, I have a folder that I created a few years ago called "big".  It is a folder with about 20 gargantuan TIFFs that I created just for the purpose of optimizing how Qimage loads very large images.  The files range in size from 150MB up to 1.1GB, most being in the 700MB to 1GB range.  QU 2011 could load all but three of those images when building thumbs.  QU 2012 loads all of them.  So, provided you have the memory to work with, 2012 is more efficient with memory and can load larger images than the 2011 version.

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