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Author Topic: v2013.100 issues/comments  (Read 32885 times)
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2012, 07:06:48 AM »

Hi David,
Any plans on adding TTDFS to the new sharpening tool ?
It is already there; all sharpening in QU is DFS by default.
I use TTS a great deal; I often used to use "TTS Except the sky tone" to avoid noise in that region, not any more.
One advantage of DFS in EQ mode is that it does not seem to sharpen blues therefore skies are less susceptible to noise.
There are still plenty of subjects where using TTS is a great advantage.
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2012, 01:50:03 PM »

First - thanks for the best explanation yet of the new sharpening.

Wham! Slam! she leaped  off the bed leaving me with a bed cover full of DFS   (Dog Fur Sheets)

She stepped on me when jumping off the bed. I said, "Hey! USM?    U see me?

She looked at me with a look that only a sweet dog can have.... she seemed to have the HALO of an angel!

But I am now back to my original question.  Wouldn't it be better if I were doing all of my sharpening in just one place?  Since the raw refine does not let me change the sharpening in the .qrs file (unless I go back and change the preferences for all images), wouldn't it be better if I set my raw preference to zero sharpening and did all my sharpening in the editor?  As it is now, I have sharpening in both the .qrs filter and then again in the .flt filter.

Mel W
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2012, 02:17:21 PM »

s it is now, I have sharpening in both the .qrs filter and then again in the .flt filter.

Mel W

Mel, you need to think this through.
There is no sharpening in the QRS filter.

The sharpening comes only in the RAW Options and is applied by camera model to the entire folder of images. That the base starting point! Consider that normal.
Make believe that it came out of the camera that way.
(Photo Shop has the same thing!   When you open a RAW in ACR, there are sharpening defaults applied too.)

When you see your open images in the thumbs, that RAW OPTION default sharpening has been applied to all the Raw images equally!

We are done with that... finished.... fertig,

Now we want to sharpen or add contrast or add or reduce saturation ... so we go into the Editor screen.
In there we "*LOOK*" at each image and decide if it needs sharpening, and if so, we apply it using DFS slowly until we have done the best job we can.
The next image might be totally different. First was a face, and the second was landscape scene. We most likely don't want to sharpen them the same way.

That's what this is all about. Using the sharpener in the  Qimage Editor, we can soften the wrinkles in the face while sharpening the dress. Each image is different!!

Hope we are making progress.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2012, 03:14:45 PM »

Hi Ernrst,
Or is there a hidden path that uses the old method when a job is recalled?
Further to Fred's post -

The blue dot will turn red to show that the smart sharpen is different from the editor setting. See screen shot attached below.
If you re-save the Job the USM smart sharpen will be saved too, I just tested it.
If the editor was used to sharpen the image, then that will need changing back to USM too but that is not saved as part of the Job.


Thank you Fred and Terry, I see that older recalled jobs paint the two lower dots red so that should help to solve possible issues.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

400+ inkjet paper white spectral plots, October 2012:
Extended: Ilford-Innova-Hahnemühle-Pictorico,
NEW added: Tetenal-Mitsubishi, NEW halfway: Kodak-Bonjet,
NEW to do: Permajet-FelixSchoeller-Sihl
Would like to get samples: InkPress-JonCone
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2012, 05:19:41 PM »

There is no sharpening in the QRS filter.

Sorry, Fred - the geek side of me (my wife would say "what other side is there?") can't buy this.  QU doesn't change the NEF file, so if the sharpening isn't in the qrs file, where is it?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2012, 06:10:36 PM »

Sorry, Fred - the geek side of me (my wife would say "what other side is there?") can't buy this.  QU doesn't change the NEF file, so if the sharpening isn't in the qrs file, where is it?


She loves you Mel.
I can tell.

Let me answer your question by asking you one.
If I open a raw image in Photo Shop ACR, (Raw processor), and change the exposure, the contrast the saturation and say SAVE, what do you get?
I will save you the trouble!
You get an .XMP file that carries the changes. That is like a QRS file
The NEF is not changed.... but whenever you open that file again in PS, the XMP parameters are applied!
There are a whole set of default settings that apply sharpening, contrast exposure, etc. These are part of the setup of ACR. They can be changed too.

So to Qimage:
I will ask you to please call your lovely wife in to read this now...

Thank you!

Let us assume you have some sharpening applied in the RAW OPTIONS. You also have some Noise Reduction applied there too.
In that same dialogue box there are other things like color space to be selected too.
(Mrs. Mel, Just think of having a colorful birthday card and wanting to see the correct colors. You have a lamp with a red bulb only, another with an orange bulb and a third with a purple bulb.
You have one more choice. You can step outside and look at the card in daylight. That would be the likely choice for a color space as it is called!
Ok, this stuff isn't that hard, right?

You set the colorspace choice, the amount of sharpening, and the amount of noise reduction in the RAW Options box, and you forget it.
It will be applied to ALL your pictures evenly.
Same color space, same noise reduction, and same sharpness.

OK she's got that, so back to you.
These parameters are defaults. They are saved  as  defaults like the Skin you chose or the thumbnail size.
When you open a NEF, Qimage looks to see the EXIF information, sees what camera, and applies the defaults...
It doesn't need to save it anywhere else. It is only used in Qimage, applied to your raw nefs.

Now you decide to use the REFINE tools. You can adjust the exposure, the fill and the White balance.  Whatever you changed in the refine screen is saved as a QRS file. It can be changed aor deleted in a mouse click. It is not a default because it applied to the image you are looking at only!

You save that change and the filename is blue. That reminds you that you made a change.
Now we go into the editor for further touch up.  OK Mrs. Mel... here's where you can help the poor lad.

You are going out to dinner at the Ritz where Mel usually takes you.
Your hair is perfect, and your makeup is fine too, but not quite finished. You always leave that last touch for the end because nothing will brush against it anymore.
So a brush of blush! A swipe with the mascara brush, a dab of lip gloss....
That's what we do to a picture in the Editor. We touch it up. We add a dab of color if needed, a dash of sharpening, if needed and we save it that way.

What you need to explain to Mel is the difference between how naturally beautiful you looked before the touch up, and how gorgeous and stunning after the touchup in the final editor.

I hope she can explain it to you.
 Smiley Wink Cool Roll Eyes

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