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Author Topic: v2013.124 issues/comments  (Read 11865 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4277

« on: June 05, 2013, 08:20:55 PM »


v2013.124    06/05/13

Priority: Low

v2013.124 includes the following:

  • New Smart Color Boost: Boost saturated colors, foliage, and "wake up" your photos without making them look "cooked"!  See the "Sel Color" tab in the photo editor.
  • Instaview improvement: Improved responsiveness of mouse click/hold to instaview thumbnails.
  • Print to file fix: Fixed a bug that was causing some cropped photos to print in the wrong orientation.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 03:32:04 AM »

Noticed a couple of things.

1. The Instaview loads too quick if I'm trying to crop the image down in the right window.  If the Instaview "loading bar" finishes before I can crop the size (i.e. Get the "Yellow" cropping ants), I no longer can crop at all once the Instaview window opens.  Really needs to be extended a bit in time a couple of seconds at least to access the crop part.

2. At times, double-clicking on the right pane to open the Editor will not respond, nor will any of the "item windows" will pop up in the right pane while hovering around in the right pane.  All other windows and panes work.  If I close Qimage and reopen, the editor will again work normally and I can access it by double-clicking into it as normal.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2013, 01:50:36 PM »

1. The Instaview loads too quick if I'm trying to crop the image down in the right window.  If the Instaview "loading bar" finishes before I can crop the size (i.e. Get the "Yellow" cropping ants), I no longer can crop at all once the Instaview window opens.  Really needs to be extended a bit in time a couple of seconds at least to access the crop part.

Hi Mack.
Could you elaborate please.
Where are you cropping when INSTAVIEW pops open?
"down in the right window?"

2. At times, double-clicking on the right pane to open the Editor will not respond, nor will any of the "item windows" will pop up in the right pane while hovering around in the right pane.  All other windows and panes work.  If I close Qimage and reopen, the editor will again work normally and I can access it by double-clicking into it as normal.

Sorry, need clarification here too.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2013, 03:33:51 PM »

Hi Mack,
Like Fred, I'm not clear what you mean in both 1 and 2 but are you on the latest version of QU (v124)? The way Instaview works was changed in v121. You now need to hold the mouse button down for it to appear, no longer a hover. Also the timing can be changed in Edit/Preferences.
As far as your yellow ants are concerned, I've not met those before  Grin

I have no problem here with double clicking to open either the image editor or the page editor.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 04:03:33 PM »

ike Fred, I'm not clear what you mean in both 1 and 2 but are you on the latest version of QU (v124)? The way Instaview works was changed in v121. You now need to hold the mouse button down for it to appear, no longer a hover. Also the timing can be changed in Edit/Preferences.

I was waiting for Mack to Reply to the question, but I think we agree that perhaps he isn't cropping, but trying to drag the resize corner at the Upper preview panel of the main screen?
He can change the timing of Insta as you  point out.
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 03:29:28 AM »

Fred & Terry-

Yes.  I was trying to Resize in the right pane, but the Instaview (and its loading gray bar) was kicking in before I saw the "Yellow Marching Ants" for the resize. (Okay.  They don't march or move around and are static here, still yellow ants though from the solid blue image border.).

I did find the Edit>Preferences>Instaview Speed control setting and set it "Long" and I now have some control on the Resize before the Instaview can pop up before I could even resize the image.

Haven't encountered #2 (i.e. The "freeze" part in just the right pane.) for a while in Windows 8-64.  This is version 124 also.  When it froze, nothing from the mouse appeared in the right pane only, but everything else in the left side and browser pane, and menu/toolbar bar worked.  Couldn't get into the Editor part during the freeze of the right window.  Exited program, restarted, and I could get into the right pane (and Editor) and it worked normally.  Odd.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2013, 06:22:52 AM »

Hi Mack,
I was trying to Resize in the right pane, but the Instaview (and its loading gray bar) was kicking in before I saw the "Yellow Marching Ants" for the resize.
OK. I see the problem.
All you need to do is select the image by clicking once to get the blue outline and then drag  a corner red dot to resize.
Even before Instaview, or with it set to Manual, it was necessary to select the image first with a click before dragging.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2013, 09:40:48 AM »

Yes.  I was trying to Resize in the right pane, but the Instaview (and its loading gray bar) was kicking in before I saw the "Yellow Marching Ants" for the resize. (Okay.  They don't march or move around and are static here, still yellow ants though from the solid blue image border.).

Hi Mac,
That almost sounds like an Apple Computer! I-Mac

Many times, Mike has said to me, "You did that in a totally different way from what I would have done... and I am surprised."
I also like reading the different approaches users come up with.
But I personally have not found a real use for the dragging a corner in the preview panel.
I did it a few times years ago when I was constructing a greeting card or a calendar, and it worked fine, but I could never duplicate it accurately if I needed to.

I found it much more exact and repeatable resizing in small increments in the Page editor.
See snap.
I just change the print size numbers by 1/00 of a skinch. See the area that says Print Size.

So I was wondering what you would use that drag feature for in the preview panel.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2013, 04:20:33 AM »

So I was wondering what you would use that drag feature for in the preview panel.


I find it easier to set it in preview pane if the image has a mat border within it (i.e. A print with a white line maybe 10mm from the edge), pull the corner down so the mat (white line) fits the paper size, hit Center, and the image is moved and centered in that pane.  Then I can apply a neutral gray 128,128,128 border in that window to and see how the printer spits it out and tune the color in the Editor part reading off the ColorMunki Photo.

Never tried going into the Editor part to set it all up in there since I do three things in the right preview pane before even going to the Editor part.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2013, 07:46:26 AM »

Hi Mack,
(i.e. A print with a white line maybe 10mm from the edge)
Presumably you do not require any precision regarding the 10mm.
I think there is an easier way: Set the size to Fit to Page (crop on or off as required) and add a 10mm border set to grey.
Not related to the above ...
Then I can apply a neutral grey 128,128,128 border in that window to and see how the printer spits it out and tune the color in the Editor part reading off the ColorMunki Photo.
That's worrying having to tune individual images to print correctly wrt colour; isn't ColorMunki making good profiles?  Shocked
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2013, 12:21:18 PM »

That's worrying having to tune individual images to print correctly wrt colour; isn't ColorMunki making good profiles?  Shocked

Terry, honestly it (the CM Photo) could be better.  Generally, I need to add some red to skin tones, maybe a bit of yellow too.  Even the RGB 128,128,128 gray border in QU is a bit weak in red ink channel on the Epson 3880 so something is screwy overall in the profile process.  Problem with the ColorMunki Photo is you cannot further edit or tune the profiles it makes, you just get whatever it does even if it needs something else.  Maybe their upper tier one is called for and maybe one can edit profiles better, but it is $1,200 or more too.  It's close, but not close enough at times.

x-Rite, who makes the CM Photo, says to "Always soft-proof in PS" which I think is a line.  I should be able to use a B&W or old amber or green only monitor, set PS to make a 128, 128, 128 patch as a gray bucket-fill color, and the printer should kick that "neutral gray" fill color out - not one weak in red ink if their profile software was working correctly.  The monitor shouldn't matter there which negates their whole soft-proof process.  Oh well...  Their C.S. rep didn't know what QU was or why it was needed either.   Roll Eyes

I don't know.  Their CM Photo profile making software is still written for Windows 7 and not Windows 8.  It needs to be run as Windows 7 in Windows 8 "Compatibility Mode" or it will not save a profile it makes in Windows 8.  Has some work to be done on it and they've been slow to address the updates to it.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2013, 06:19:54 PM »

Hi Mack,
bit weak in red ink channel on the Epson 3880 so something is screwy overall in the profile process.
A basic criterion for a good profile is that it prints neutral.
Maybe their upper tier one is called for and maybe one can edit profiles better, but it is $1,200 or more too.
Rather than spend that sort of money, there are 2 options:
1. Spend $89 on Mike's Profile Prism assuming you have a reasonable scanner, and depending on the scanner software, you may need to buy Vuescan at $40 or $80.
2. Get a custom profile made by a local or internet outfit that does that sort of thing - you should then get one that is "right".

I have watched the ColorMunki video in the past and noted that you can refine a profile by reading colours from a print and use that to print a special target based on those colours, or greys's I assume.

Full Member
Posts: 111

« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2013, 10:52:18 AM »

Quote from: Terry-M
I have watched the ColorMunki video in the past and noted that you can refine a profile by reading colours from a print and use that to print a special target based on those colours, or greys's I assume.
That is exactly what I do.  I go through the two obligatory test patterns to generate a "base" profile, then use one of several widely available test images (montage of several images with a wide range of colors), and finally use a B&W test image (in RGB mode) to refine the neutrals.  It works pretty well, and the resulting profiles are very good across the entire greyscale.
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