First you've got to know which comes out of the printer first, for some reason in my first effort I rotated the pictures in the opposite directions and forgot which came out first. So I couldn't tell from the preview which way round it was. Thank goodness no one knows how daft I am.
Reminds me of the old story of the motorist who was changing a flat tire outside of a mental institution.
He removed the 5 lug nits and placed them in the wheel cover which was lying on the ground next to him.
He accidentally tripped over the wheel cover and all the lug nuts went over an embankment into a drainage ditch, lost forever.
Beside himself with concern; how will he get the spare tire and wheel back on to the car...when along came an inmate on the other side of the fence who advised:
Take one wheel lug nut from each of the other wheels and fasten the spare wheel using three lug nuts.
With a tip of the hat to Terry of course.