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Author Topic: v2014.119 issues/comments  (Read 20095 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« on: October 08, 2013, 10:49:34 PM »


v2014.119    10/08/13

Priority: Med

v2014.119 includes the following:

  • Image databasing: Add both a description and creator to any folder or photo (allows searching for specific subjects shot by named photographers).
  • Database search: UI improvements and added features allow more versatile user data searches.
  • Remove white space: Improved the "Remove white space" function so it doesn't cut pages too close to the last print on the page.
  • Under the hood: Various operational improvements and fixes.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 04:27:44 AM »

This multi-row ICM picking bug is still present in v2014.119.

With a print in the right pane, select a new Printer Profile ICC > Choose new profile > Browse for ICC profile.

Pick a new profile near the bottom of the selection box window (Which isn't re-sizeable by dragging the pane down so the last line is a partial line shown one here, maybe only 80% of that line is shown.).  Click on that bottom profile line and it selects 4-5 profiles (they all become blue) beneath it rather than one line.  It stops after 4-5 profiles getting picked and leaves the remaining lines/profiles black as it should.


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2013, 08:22:25 AM »

Hi Mack,
Click on that bottom profile line and it selects 4-5 profiles (they all become blue) beneath it rather than one line.  It stops after 4-5 profiles getting picked and leaves the remaining lines/profiles black as it should
I can only make that happen if the row that I want to select is partly obscured by the bottom edge of the window. Then it only happens occasionally and I carefully position the row to make it happen.
You need to scroll down a little more so the row is completely visible.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2013, 09:42:19 AM »

This multi-row ICM picking bug is still present in v2014.119.

That isn't a bug Mack. Mike didn't address it. That's why what you are doing is still doing.
As Terry said, and I agree, you have a scroll bar and a scroll button. raise the one you need and select it.
Just like the thumbs. If I want one from the lower tier, I have to click the scroll bar.

Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2013, 08:18:12 PM »

Okay.  I disagree!  Wink

If I do the same on a spreadsheet by clicking the lower and partially obscured box, it doesn't open 4-5 boxes underneath or aorund it for data as well.  Only get THAT box.

Only reason being is with x-rite i1 Photo Pro 2, when it writes an additional profile as when you add a optical brightener re-calibration profile, it puts and extension on it like Epson Glossy.icm and another called Epson Glossy_obt.icm which is the optical brightener correction file and it is always the partial icm profile showing in that window.  Then if I click it, I get 4-5 others along with it.  Angry Scrolling around for a partial window that doesn't pull up others shouldn't exist, or should clicking on a partial cause a bunch of others to called up. Shocked

Spreadsheet boxes don't do that!  Try it with "Open Office" spreadsheet as I use it a lot to write linearization files to use in Qimage.  Wink

I'm cranky as my shoot today didn't work out well at all, so I open a lot of "One-click and multiple blue ICM boxes" in Qimage to make me even more annoyed!   Grin

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2013, 09:02:36 PM »

Spreadsheet boxes don't do that!

This is not a spreadsheet!!

I am not going to spend a lifetime debating. I did just check Microsoft ACCESS.
It does the same thing that Qimage does with its list. I use ACCESS for my movie list.


« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 09:40:11 PM by Fred A » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2013, 02:12:03 AM »

Spreadsheet boxes don't do that!

This is not a spreadsheet!!

I am not going to spend a lifetime debating. I did just check Microsoft ACCESS.
It does the same thing that Qimage does with its list. I use ACCESS for my movie list.



Spreadsheet boxes don't do that!

This is not a spreadsheet!!

I am not going to spend a lifetime debating. I did just check Microsoft ACCESS.
It does the same thing that Qimage does with its list. I use ACCESS for my movie list.



And Access is not Qimage!!  Grin  Grin

Actually, it is interesting that I can click on a partial image cut in half with a bunch of pictures in the View pane (lower left) and it doesn't open 4-5 images.

Then I can also click on a file or folder in the upper folder Browser pane as well and it doesn't open a bunch under it either.  Plus, those in that Browser pane don't seem to do "partial lines" as does the ICM selection window either.

So two out of three in QU work well and correctly, just that one ICM profile selection one is seriously messed up with a "partial line" issue.  If the window was re-sizable it might work better and fix the partial line matter, or just fix it so partial lines are seen one line at a time as in the Browser pane.

Sorry, but my program teacher says it's a BUG.  Access is a drag-and-dropper multi-select program and an ICM profile selection pane shouldn't be multi-picker and work more like a spreadsheet box selection.  Tongue


Wow!  Just did a scroll-and-click and it lit up some above as well as under.  I hit a jackpot!  And in different colors too?  See screenshot.  Shocked

Definitely a bug.  Roll Eyes

Oh well.  Live and click twice I guess.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2013, 07:15:07 AM »

Wow!  Just did a scroll-and-click and it lit up some above as well as under.  I hit a jackpot!
I find it VERY difficult to reproduce what you are doing, I have to move the mouse as I select to do it so I suspect your mouse technique is a little doubtful.  Shocked
Why on Earth are you attempting to select a partially visible row in a scrollable list, haven't you got a scroll wheel on your mouse?  Huh?
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2013, 04:33:47 AM »

Wow!  Just did a scroll-and-click and it lit up some above as well as under.  I hit a jackpot!
I find it VERY difficult to reproduce what you are doing, I have to move the mouse as I select to do it so I suspect your mouse technique is a little doubtful.  Shocked
Why on Earth are you attempting to select a partially visible row in a scrollable list, haven't you got a scroll wheel on your mouse?  Huh?

I've had that happen to me, and it's a UI issue. I just duplicated it, see the image below. Some things should be obvious, and selecting a half line should not select other lines. If it annoyed me enough I would have reported it too.

When you have lots of work to get through, these little issues add up in any program. I use one at work and everyday I have to take the additional step of clicking on a stupid button to remove a splitscreen view to get the program setup to the way I like to work. It's technically not a bug but to me it's a UI issue.  By itself its not a big deal but over time it will drive you crazy.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 04:35:21 AM by nbagno » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2013, 07:35:50 AM »

Some things should be obvious, and selecting a half line should not select other lines.
What IS obvious both you guys are trying to select half a line. OK. I know it should work ok. but another click on the scroll wheel prevents it. Perhaps it is my mouse training with Windows 3.5 all those years ago means that I struggle to reproduce this problem.
Mountains out of mole-hills come to mind here.
Full Member
Posts: 111

« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2013, 09:14:28 AM »

So at least there is agreement that the phenomenon can be reproduced (I just did it by clicking the bottom half-line). Wouldn't it be a trivial matter to make the frame containing the profile list just a little larger in the vertical dimension to avoid a partial line, or at least a partial line where text is visible?
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2013, 09:51:37 PM »

So at least there is agreement that the phenomenon can be reproduced (I just did it by clicking the bottom half-line). Wouldn't it be a trivial matter to make the frame containing the profile list just a little larger in the vertical dimension to avoid a partial line, or at least a partial line where text is visible?

Good idea!  And probably how it should work.

I think this would be great bit of code for a shopping site.  Pick one "partially shown" item, and you get a half dozen other things tossed in the shopping cart too!  Go Amazon!!   Grin

Odd why it adds a random number of profiles to that partial line.  Sometimes 3, and as many as 8.  Weird stuff.  Huh?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2013, 09:05:13 AM »

Odd why it adds a random number of profiles to that partial line.  Sometimes 3, and as many as 8.  Weird stuff.  Huh

Perhaps it's because you both use 3800 printers?

Fred Smiley
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2013, 03:19:34 PM »

Odd why it adds a random number of profiles to that partial line.  Sometimes 3, and as many as 8.  Weird stuff.  Huh

Perhaps it's because you both use 3800 printers?

Fred Smiley


An old 3800?  I'll have you know I have a new 3880, humph!   Tongue  Plus 3 others, including a couple of Canon's and one other Epson plugged in.  Next year I'll have a 5th Epson 3880 with all Jon Cone's black inks for B&W and maybe by then Mike will come up with some other B&W printer software or maybe a B&W Tab at the top of QU 2014 for that stuff since the "Linearzation" thread below went from 1200 reads to almost 1600 now?  (wink. wink. nudge. nudge. because "QTR Rip" ain't cutting the Windows cake no more and seems to have gone off into Apple/Mac land and with sundry bugs there too.).

However, it's definitely some line coding bug as it is too random with what it does and how many other ICM profiles it burps up.  The "Resize the lines to fit that window" might be a fix as mentioned.  Does it on my old Windows XP machine too, but the Windows 8-64 hits the jackpot with many selections at times and in different colors as posted above.  Doesn't seem to do it with partials shown in the View pane nor the Browser one on the left side, just the ICM profile selection pane is wonky (Who scrolls if it can be readily seen?).

Issues & Comments can now be closed...  Grin

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2013, 02:53:23 PM »

So at least there is agreement that the phenomenon can be reproduced (I just did it by clicking the bottom half-line). Wouldn't it be a trivial matter to make the frame containing the profile list just a little larger in the vertical dimension to avoid a partial line, or at least a partial line where text is visible?

Not that easy because system font size and other things affect where the cutoff is on the list and how much of the last row will show, but I'll look at it while I'm working on the next version.  It's certainly not going to be a priority because it's such an inconsequential glitch: just scroll one more to prevent it.  BTW, this comes from legacy Windows API controls which have always had similar issues.  Even Windows Explorer has similar issues with selecting partially visible items and it has other issues as well like when you select/do something that takes a few seconds to complete, sometimes Windows Explorer thinks you still have the left mouse button pressed and when you scroll over the list it selects every item under the mouse as you scroll even though no buttons are pressed.  You have to click and release the left mouse button to get it to stop selecting.  I see that one all the time even on Windows 8!  I guess it's a glitch Microsoft never thought big enough to address but I'll see what I can do.  Wink

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