Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: admin on October 30, 2013, 11:57:40 PM

Title: v2014.122 issues/comments
Post by: admin on October 30, 2013, 11:57:40 PM

v2014.122    10/30/13

Priority: Med

v2014.122 includes the following:

  • Image databasing: Database search tool now includes modification date, allows sorting by column, and offers a "Browse entire database" option!
  • Print rotation: Fixed one remaining scenario where prints may rotate in the wrong direction on the preview page.


Title: Re: v2014.122 issues/comments
Post by: Fred A on October 31, 2013, 09:35:09 AM
Database search tool now includes modification date, allows sorting by column, and offers a "Browse entire database" option!
Print rotation: Fixed one remaining scenario where prints may rotate in the wrong direction on the preview page.

Thanks, Mike!
This one is a feature that many have requested...
I forgot my own key words (tag words) whatever you call them, 10 minutes after I typed them.

I love the 'metaphorical' EYE as the button icon. You want to LOOK for what words you used? Click the EYE button.
I notice that the little ~ , the tilde, (I took 4 years of Spanish in High School) is used to designate that images are tagged in that folder with the key word as shown.
That is really innovative.
I can sort by date, by folder name, description and creator.

Never saw a need for the CREATOR box until yesterday. A neighbor brought a card with images for me to adjust, crop and print for her.
I copied the card into a folder using Flash Card copy move, in Ultimate, and put HELEN in the Creator box.

This is just what we needed and what's more, I don't need degree in Etymology to work the thing; Easy Peasy.
Thanks Mike...

Title: Re: v2014.122 issues/comments
Post by: Lurcherjohn on October 31, 2013, 10:33:08 AM
Thanks Mike,
The Magic Eye function is really useful and you can edit/add info when it's displayed. I can now easily find out my search words.
Clicking the headings to reverse the order is useful, I haven't worked out what a second click does.
No excuses for not using the database now.