Title: v2014.127 issues/comments
Post by: admin on November 20, 2013, 07:51:01 PM
http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u v2014.127 11/20/13 Priority: High v2014.127 includes the following: - Database backup: New database backup/restore tool under "Utilities", "Manage Database" on main menu.
- Database search: New "not" feature. Example: use search words "red" and "-fred" to find "red" but omit the results containing "fred".
- Database search: Search window can now be semi-transparent while using the "preview" function so thumbs underneath are visible.
- Size by number: Improved the size "by number of prints" feature to pick more reasonable rows/cols when a total is specified.
- Color management fix: Fixed photos with cutouts printing with the wrong color space if a page background color was used.
- UI improvements: Global increase of font size makes many windows, dialogs, and messages easier to read.
- UI fixes: Fixed minor display and numeric entry issues on some windows/dialogs.