« on: December 30, 2013, 05:21:59 PM » |
| 12/30/13 Priority: Med v2014.133 fixes folder description/creator not being visible on startup plus a potential crash when searching the database. Mike
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 12:58:27 AM » |
With 132 I was getting crashes and now with 133 they still occur. If I do a search for Folders or File /Folder Name Search, it's OK if I do a single click to open a folder that's been found but a double click causes a crash. Old habits of opening folders die hard. Anyone else, or is it just my setup? John
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2013, 01:11:49 PM » |
Not getting a crash but the program hangs with an hourglass forever and I have to abort. I will have to review what I am doing a bit more though before I can tell which combination of search clicks leads to this. Has happened 3 times now though. In all fairness my machine is old, slow and running on rubber bands and duct tape (new one soon) and has all kinds of idiosyncrasies at this point - so may not even be a QU issue. Mel W.
Fred A
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 07:58:27 PM » |
ot getting a crash but the program hangs with an hourglass forever and I have to abort. If I do a search for Folders or File /Folder Name Search, it's OK if I do a single click to open a folder that's been found but a double click causes a crash. Old habits of opening folders die hard. Anyone else, or is it just my setup? John, I cannot repeat what you are getting. Could you boil it down a bit, like how many words in the search? Where is it searching; C drive or other? Anything odd in that folder? Mel, If you search and select a folder for which the thumbs no longer exist, (due to housekeeping deleting old thumbs) Q has to build new ones while you wait or you wont see any images. Could that be the "hourglass"? Fred
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2014, 11:44:57 PM » |
Fred -
No - it really happened because as always, I don't bother to read instructions, so clicking in the wrong area of the search screen sent it to never land. I am sure this is not a QU issue. In a week or two I'll have a new machine. Only if I have an issue there will I consider this a problem
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 02:53:19 PM » |
The double click causes trouble with C or other drives. The screen shots show: 1 searching with bird in R drive 2. results of folder search, Ladybirds high lighted (search is too clever for me, I was looking for owl pictures, also found) 3. this is what happens if I double click on the highlighted folder, I get a please wait sign on yellow then the top half of the search box has disappeared i.e. the bit with the results high lighted is lost. Occasionally all the search box disappears. Either way I have to start the search again. Less commonly the computer locks up and I have to restart.
Only happens with the double click on the found folder, if I don't double click all is well. Win7, 32 bit, drivers up to date. John
Fred A
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 03:03:46 PM » |
Ok John, Good job with snaps and message to explain. Mike will have a look in about an hour or so. Fred
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 03:46:38 PM » |
The double click causes trouble with C or other drives. The screen shots show: 1 searching with bird in R drive 2. results of folder search, Ladybirds high lighted (search is too clever for me, I was looking for owl pictures, also found) 3. this is what happens if I double click on the highlighted folder, I get a please wait sign on yellow then the top half of the search box has disappeared i.e. the bit with the results high lighted is lost. Occasionally all the search box disappears. Either way I have to start the search again. Less commonly the computer locks up and I have to restart.
Only happens with the double click on the found folder, if I don't double click all is well. Win7, 32 bit, drivers up to date. John
I'm not able to replicate any problem using this routine. I even tried placing the dialogs in the same location relative to the main window and nothing goes wrong when I do the same thing. But just to be sure, can you clarify what buttons you are clicking and in what order? I need to know every click/keystroke in order to be sure I'm replicating it in the same way. Regards, Mike
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 04:25:15 PM » |
1. Click on search binoculars 2. Type bird into search terms box 3. Click Add 4. Click on Folders in search database, search runs and result folders appear. 5. Click in preview box, thumbnails appear of highlighted folder. Whether preview box is checked before or after search makes no difference. 6. Click other folders, no problem 7 Double click any folder, please wait message then search box appears as in screen grab. 8. If the close button that is still showing is clicked search closes.
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 05:50:53 PM » |
1. Click on search binoculars 2. Type bird into search terms box 3. Click Add 4. Click on Folders in search database, search runs and result folders appear. 5. Click in preview box, thumbnails appear of highlighted folder. Whether preview box is checked before or after search makes no difference. 6. Click other folders, no problem 7 Double click any folder, please wait message then search box appears as in screen grab. 8. If the close button that is still showing is clicked search closes.
Please check your gmail for a beta version. I can't get the exact problem you got but I think I may have fixed it nonetheless. Regards, Mike
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 08:50:57 PM » |
Hi Mike, No, it's still the same. I restarted my PC after installing but still get the same effect. The screen grab shows the beta version top left, most of the search window missing, but the owl thumbnail shows the preview and search work fine. Single click on the highlighted folder in Folder/album+ no problem, double click gives flash of please wait then search window, most missing but Close still works. Sometimes the search window just disappears. This is with File/folder search or Search database Folders search. I've done each about 10 times and still get the same result. John
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2014, 09:01:45 PM » |
Hi Mike, No, it's still the same. I restarted my PC after installing but still get the same effect. The screen grab shows the beta version top left, most of the search window missing, but the owl thumbnail shows the preview and search work fine. Single click on the highlighted folder in Folder/album+ no problem, double click gives flash of please wait then search window, most missing but Close still works. Sometimes the search window just disappears. This is with File/folder search or Search database Folders search. I've done each about 10 times and still get the same result. John
Thanks. I'm not sure the search window is really there: it might be a screen update problem. What happens if you click off to the side of the close button (not directly on it): does the search window still disappear? Mike
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2014, 10:41:50 PM » |
I'm giving it one more guess/shot. Try the beta B that I just sent you via email if you have the time.
Thanks, Mike
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2014, 11:21:49 PM » |
Hi Mike, You were right about the window not being there, clicking away from the Close button also closes it. The b beta was the same as the others. On my set up it seems as if the double click closes the window but not properly. John
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2014, 12:45:53 AM » |
Hi Mike, You were right about the window not being there, clicking away from the Close button also closes it. The b beta was the same as the others. On my set up it seems as if the double click closes the window but not properly. John
At this point, I'm starting to suspect the video driver. I've seen this sort of thing before when a video driver has a bug and it isn't updating windows properly when they are closed. It looks like the video driver is having trouble updating the window underneath if that bottom window is currently updating/animating: notice how the only piece of the window that is left behind is the part that is over the thumbnail grid. When that thumbnail grid is in the process of updating as the search window on top is closing, the video driver displays the wrong piece in that area. There's likely nothing I can do about it and if you already have the latest version of the video driver for your video card, you might have to wait for an update of the video driver. Mike