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Author Topic: v2014.139 issues/comments  (Read 10272 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« on: February 17, 2014, 07:00:38 PM »


v2014.139    Feb 17, 2014

Priority: Low

v2014.139 adds informative popup messages and UI sounds and improves data input of border sizes.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2014, 10:54:25 PM »

v2014.139 adds informative popup messages and UI sounds and improves data input of border sizes.

... and some stuff you might miss.

There will be tick or double tick sounds when certain routines finish.
Printing, building thumbs, moving files, email and creating images just to name a few.
The tick signals are not loud, but if for whatever reason, you want them turned off, there's a new button next to the Cheater button that will let you turn the sound on and off and also check to see if it's working and how loud your speakers are set.

There's another little goodie that Mike slipped in which you will find in the Image Examiner and Comparator screens.
At the top of the screen on the left side of the header, you now see the magnification %. As you change the zoom, you  now see the percent of magnification change too.



Full Member
Posts: 175

Retired Banker; Golf; Photography; Travel.

« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 11:14:56 PM »

Thanks Fred for your highlights on Mike's continuing update.

COMP EQP: iMac 27" mid 2015 5K Retina macOS 11.2.3; 24GB Ram; Scan Elite 5400 film scr.
CAMERA EQP: Oly OMD EM-1, Digital Zuiko & OM lenses.
Imaging Apps: PS CC 20; LR Classic CC 9.3; Qimage U & One; VueScan.
Posts: 15

« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2014, 01:32:19 AM »

v2014.139 adds informative popup messages and UI sounds and improves data input of border sizes.
There will be tick or double tick sounds when certain routines finish.(....)
(....) there's a new button next to the Cheater button that will let you turn the sound on and off (....)

I thank you too Fred for your "early nudges" on some of Mike's updates.

But am I the only one who still hears these ticks (or micro-beeps) even when I have set Sounds to OFF?

When I toggle the new toolbar button to its Off state I get the neat little mid-screen acknowledgement pop-up OK, saying "UI Sounds muted", the toolbar button icon changes as expected to its 'red'-crossed-out 'Off' version, and my Menu | Edit | Preferences | Sound setting also shows sounds turned (ostensibly) "Off" - yet I still hear ticks, exactly as though they're still turned On.

(When I toggle the new toolbar button to On I get the other acknowledgement pop-up saying "UI Sounds on", plus the neat, short micro-beep that accompanies it - and the other 'indications' show the appropriate On state too. It all seem fine!)

I get ticks as follows ...

(a) one tick when thumbnails have initially been rendered after I browse to a new folder,
(b) two ticks shortly afterwards when cache activity has finished on the last of the RAW files in that folder.

I don't hear tick(s) on printing, but perhaps any tick at this stage is buried below the noise of my printer rattling, or by the Windows "Asterisk" 'beep' that's emitted each time a job is launched from Qimage to my printer.

I hope I'm not alone - having "Sounds Off" not actually being "Off" - and that there's a fix in the works ... but if I can help diagnose this in the meantime then please ask.

Windows 7, 64-bit, 16 GB RAM, all patched & up to date.
Audio is working OK otherwise on my system.
Sound Card is a motherboard-integrated, "AMD High Definition Audio Device"
  on an ASUS P7P55D EVO motherboard, Intel i7 CPU
Audio driver is the standard Windows-provided "Version"
Direct X is Version 11

Edited to add ...
I do have another USB Audio device installed and connectedin this PC, but it is totally dormant and is only 'accessed' when I activate its specific software, which isn't running when I do photo-editing etc.. Also, all my 'default' Windows audio is directed through the on-board AMD Sound Card I mentioned above.

This other audio device is a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 (external) USB box and its Driver version is "focusrite-usb-2-driver-2.5" - but again, it has no speakers attached, and is 'idle' - but I thought I should mention that it's sitting as a Windows 'device' alongside my 'active' Sound Card.

Colin P.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 02:51:55 AM by KolinP » Logged

I love retirement. I've never been busier!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 11:45:17 AM »

But am I the only one who still hears these ticks (or micro-beeps) even when I have set Sounds to OFF?

Nope!   I hear them too with sound off.

You can tell them to let you out of the rubber room now.

Will make sure Mike gets the message.

Posts: 15

« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2014, 05:08:52 PM »

(....) You can tell them to let you out of the rubber room now.

 Smiley  Smiley

Thank you Fred.

I love retirement. I've never been busier!
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