Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: admin on April 30, 2014, 05:50:24 PM

Title: v2014.214 issues/comments
Post by: admin on April 30, 2014, 05:50:24 PM

v2014.214    Apr 30, 2014

Priority: Low

v2014.214 offers reduced disk I/O for a faster UI experience.


Title: Re: v2014.214 issues/comments
Post by: Chris on May 01, 2014, 11:53:48 AM
Hi, just tried this version and I'm having problems with using layouts.  After loading the layout (via custom/layout) I try to add an image into the layout but qimage adds a whole new layout page.  Could you check that layouts is working correctly for you.


Title: Re: v2014.214 issues/comments
Post by: Terry-M on May 01, 2014, 01:20:45 PM
Hi Chris,
Could you check that layouts is working correctly for you.
I have checked this and it seems to be working ok. The only problem that occurred was when I did not clear the queue before starting a new layout - perhaps you could check that too - make sure the queue is cleared before loading a new template/layout.

Title: Re: v2014.214 issues/comments
Post by: admin on May 01, 2014, 05:04:57 PM
Not able to find any issue either.  I click the + button on thumbs and it doesn't create the next page until it runs out of templates to fill on the current page.


Title: Re: v2014.214 issues/comments
Post by: Chris on May 01, 2014, 06:34:35 PM
OK, thanks for that, it must be something i'm doing wrong, I'll rebuild the template from scratch and see if it works.