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Author Topic: v2014.229 issues/comments  (Read 14875 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2014, 10:30:56 AM »

Just installed V229, will try it out later, prob tomorrow.  I have to take SWBMO to the local recycle centre today.  I jest not.

Just in case some bachelor types are reading this, SWMBO means, She Who Must Be Obeyed!

I didn't know that you have recycle centers in the UK where you can take your wife and recycle her?
How does that work?
You drop off a 60 and pick up 3 20s?

Terry never told me anything about this!!

To up date

We got to the recycle center at 1pm, they took one look at her and directed her to the land fill site adding you should also go.


After two days in the land fill we were eligible for Resurrection. So hear I am back on the Chaney care unblocking table.

It is another great feature, did a selective Red, Cyan and black/grey unclog and have now got an almost perfect nozzle pattern.
Just 2 missing segments in each colour, the best result for months.



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2014, 10:40:23 AM »

It is another great feature, did a selective Red, Cyan and black/grey unclog and have now got an almost perfect nozzle pattern.
Just 2 missing segments in each colour, the best result for months.
Run it again... that's the beauty of it! You forget that it isn't a cleaning cycle that we have grown to expect as an ink sucker.
It's just asking you to make one more print of those blocks that need it...
No worse than reprinting one picture that you forgot to crop.

That's what we need. More honest reports from users.
Bearing in mind that some users have printers out of use for months. Still good information comes from a report from them too.

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