Title: v2014.244 issues/comments Post by: admin on July 16, 2014, 03:07:26 PM v2014.244 Jul 16, 2014
Priority: Low v2014.244 improves accuracy of the WB dropper in raw refine and adds/updates many raw profiles for recent camera models. Mike Title: Re: v2014.244 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on July 16, 2014, 08:11:53 PM Hey I just tried my new Camera profile that was included in 244.
First off all, I didn't realize that it's all automatic. The new profiles will overwrite the old ones. But I forgot that I had to select thumbs and select REBUILD them with the new camera in place being used. To really get the impact of the revised profile, I did a convert to JPG without a profile conversion so I am looking at a jpg in the old color space. Then I rebuild the thumb and you can see the difference easily between the new image and the old JPG Play with it. You will be pleasantly surprised. Mike outdid himself this time!! Enjoy Fred |