v2015.108 allows you to preview images in print jobs (job log or saved jobs) by simply selecting the job in the list (makes locating specific jobs easier).
v2015.108 allows you to preview images in print jobs (job log or saved jobs) by simply selecting the job in the list (makes locating specific jobs easier).
This is a beauty and a long time coming.
Suppose your wife's mother is coming for a week.
On the piano, rests a 5 x 7 of
your mother. Yikes! You forgot to make a 5 x 7 to match of her mother.
You did print the image of her from last year's family reunion, but where is it?
No more wondering if it's
that number or not, having to open job after job to find her.
Now 108 shows you the image from the job.
She's due at the house in a half hour. I just have to print this and find a holder for it...
Out of purple ink.... oh no! Where's my extra purple ink?