Title: v2015.124 issues/comments Post by: admin on May 10, 2015, 12:53:11 AM http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u
v2015.124 May 9, 2015 Priority: Med v2015.124 includes a new calendar based scheduler for printing unclog patterns and fixes some UI bugs. Mike Title: Re: v2015.124 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on May 10, 2015, 09:54:13 AM Quote v2015.124 includes a new calendar based scheduler for printing unclog patterns and fixes some UI bugs. Just a couple of comments... You can continue to use the Unclogger manually specifically for certain colors that might show some nozzles clogging. Another item might be the frequency schedule. Mike showed in the video a daily regimen. You can set it for once every three days, or any variation you choose. Mike actually bought a CIS (continuous ink supply) to be able to see, first hand, the installation, the usage, replenishment, pros and cons. Maybe Mike can fill in specifics, but generally, there are a few things that tend to make CIS clog easier. It has to do with gravity flow, pressure, air bubbles, and temperature, humidity...etc. That sparked the need and the idea for The Unclogger. I print a lot so I rarely have any clogs, but the general consensus in our local group of photographers and hobbyists is to fear making a print of a great shot. The colors are messed up, banding, casts, etc. So they go to Sam's or Staples...and some kid with seven lip rings and dilated pupils advises you that your stuff will be ready tomorrow, Dude. Do a head/nozzle clean using the driver unclog...start from there, and keep everything clean and well oiled after that with the unclogger. Stick some cheap copy paper in the printer feed, turn on the Unclogger on schedule, set for every other day, and enjoy printing again! Fred |