Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: admin on December 11, 2015, 11:55:03 PM

Title: v2016.133 issues/comments
Post by: admin on December 11, 2015, 11:55:03 PM

v2016.133   Dec 11, 2015

Priority: High

v2016.133 adds the ability to load jobs and printer setups even if printer names/ports have changed due to OS changes, driver reinstallation, etc.


Title: Re: v2016.133 issues/comments
Post by: MelW on December 15, 2015, 02:31:05 AM
This is the kind of thing that boggles the mind. Here we have a model for how businesses – all businesses – should work.  Here we have a businessman – a software developer who LISTENS to his customers. With QU, not only do we get all of this innovation – e.g. incredibly easy to use raw processing, unrivaled sharpening and noise management, interpolation schemes that effectively quadruple the size of our camera sensors, - I won’t rant on here – but we get responses like this.  Where an issues or operational consideration may affect multiple users – Mike is listening – and he responds.

As an amateur photographer and hobbyist, my work can’t compare to some of the wonderful examples I have seen posted here. The one thing I likely have in common with other users of this forum is that I love to take pictures and make my own prints, and have spent a lot of money - I mean a LOT of money -  on equipment.  I have it all: cameras, lenses, tripods, lighting, backdrops, studio props, printers, monitors, gadgets of all sorts. And what’s at the core that drives this whole thing?  A computer program (excuse me  -  I guess now it’s an app – ugh!) that costs less than $100, is continuously updated for about 20 bucks a year, and consistently provides me with new and better ways of doing one of the things I love to do.  A dozen or so years ago, when I first went digital (still have some great darkroom equipment if anyone wants it), QI was the catalyst that showed me that I could make great – really outstanding enlargements from my 5MP Nikon. I was dumb and happy cranking our family portraits, landscapes – whatever from out of the camera jpegs. Raw?  Never thought I would touch it. The idea of it scared me. With the automated raw processing of QU (and I haven’t even tried the improved  fill/HDR), it is now SOP. Of course, I did have to make some sacrifices; my trademark hot spots and blown highlights are (mostly) gone.

Anyway, happy holidays to all of you, and thanks Mike for continuing to to make the best there is even better.  I would like to end with Go Ravens, but that is somewhat of a sick joke this year.

Mel W. – Columbia, Md.

Title: Re: v2016.133 issues/comments
Post by: KolinP on January 21, 2016, 03:38:29 PM
Sorry to return here so long after your post, Mel, but I'll add a big +1 to your comment.

Mike's continuing work on Qimage and his responsiveness to User queries and issues is indeed worthy of loud applause.

Colin P.

Title: Re: v2016.133 issues/comments
Post by: admin on January 22, 2016, 12:57:32 AM
Thanks guys!  I do work tirelessly, so it's good to hear that it doesn't go unnoticed.  My job is never finished... but I wouldn't have it any other way.  ;)
