Title: v2017.104 issues/comments Post by: admin on October 03, 2016, 05:24:24 PM http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u
v2017.104 Oct 3, 2016 Priority: Low v2017.104 fixes visibility of Live View buttons that were only partially visible on some monitors/resolutions. Mike Title: Re: v2017.104 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on October 04, 2016, 09:21:17 AM To translate the above into a useful feature: You need to drag the vertical separator bar to the left more and more in small cuts until the preview panel no longer responds by growing larger. See snaps 137 shows the cursor that has changed and is ready to be dragged left 139 shows the new tabs and a change of functionality: See the Queue: See the Job properties. 138 shows the preview panel in small size when the vertical separator is too far to the right. Enjoy. Fresd Title: Re: v2017.104 issues/comments Post by: philelrod on October 12, 2016, 09:10:49 PM I can't seem to get a print the size as entered. I enter the paper size and the custom print size and it shows up on the view normally, but it prints much smaller.
example is a print entered as 16.25 inches comes out as 9 1/8 ". This just happened very recently; any chance it is due to the latest version 2017-104? Title: Re: v2017.104 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on October 12, 2016, 11:07:07 PM Quote I can't seem to get a print the size as entered. I enter the paper size and the custom print size and it shows up on the view normally, but it prints much smaller. example is a print entered as 16.25 inches comes out as 9 1/8 ". This just happened very recently; any chance it is due to the latest version 2017-104? In 99% of the time the culprit is a check in a box that causes the driver to resize. See attached snap, and make sure it says Output same ane input and NO checkmarks at all. Fred |