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Author Topic: v2017.105 issues/comments  (Read 7054 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« on: October 26, 2016, 08:40:11 PM »


v2017.105   Oct 26, 2016

Priority: Med

v2017.105 offers new intelligent printer settings that help you manage your printers and papers!  See how it works: http://youtu.be/Qt8DCIgw7L0

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 10:17:14 PM »

Thanks Mike.

Very nice, efficient and useful improvements with the Settings tab.

The list "Current Printer Only" setting in the Printer Setup list is also very useful.




v2017.105   Oct 26, 2016

Priority: Med

v2017.105 offers new intelligent printer settings that help you manage your printers and papers!  See how it works: http://youtu.be/Qt8DCIgw7L0

« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 11:22:00 PM by pshrutpark » Logged

Posts: 7

« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 09:22:42 PM »

One feature I appreciated before this 2017.105 upgrade was, when I loaded a printer/paper profile, a dialog box asked me whether I want to restore all printer settings which I used before with this profile. Now this feature seems to be gone.

I have 2 Epson printers (3880), one I keep in Matte and the other in Photo Black. I saved many settings for my papers in the driver, more than 40 for different papers and sizes. It seems now that I'd have to reconstruct all of them again and save them in the Settings tab in QU. For example, when I recall a profile for the PK printer but printed before on the MK printer, all printer settings remain, e.g. printer, paper, thickness, quality etc., and appear as verified!

Any possibility to consider reintroducing this feature again, i.e. a profile driven load of printer settings? This would avoid quite a few prints with wrong settings or double and triple checking before a print that all is OK.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2016, 09:45:40 PM »

Opening a printer profile to try to restore printer settings is going at the problem backwards: it's sort of like picking a pair of shoes and the shoes dictate the rest of your outfit.  It's much easier and more efficient to set up your printer, media type, and driver settings, and then save the setup by name (name your paper) using the save button on the Settings tab.  Then a quick click on the recall button on the Settings tab allows you to load back the paper with all the settings.

This is also much more efficient because you don't have to look through potentially hundreds of non-relevant profiles looking for the printer/paper you want.  You can just click the recall button, check the radio button to show printer setups for the current printer, and pick your saved paper settings.  For the media types where you use the same setup each time for that media type, you only need to drop down the media type and the verified settings are automatically loaded.  The only time you need to save/recall them is if you use the same media type for multiple/different papers.

That said, you can still get to the printer setups that were previously saved based on profiles.  Click the recall button (top left of main window), click the "P" button for printer setups, and then backspace over the "\Save" text at the end of the location at the top.  They are saved in \programdata\ddisoftware\Qimage... and they will still be loadable.  So you could load them and then use the save button on the Settings tab to save them and give them a name, like the name of the paper, making it easier next time: just use the recall button on the Settings tab.

Posts: 7

« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2016, 10:41:00 PM »

I see your point and I should probably make the effort to transfer all driver settings to QImage. Will try your method tomorrow. I guess there is a way to transfer QImage settings to another computer.
It's the way it was working before with the printer settings saved in the driver. Since recalling a profile remembered the printer settings, I didn't feel a need to store any printer settings via QImage (which it did apparently automatically) and use Recall. When recalling a profile I was just sure that the settings like paper, thickness, platen gap etc. were correct. That was particularly handy for third party papers where it's sometimes tricky to find the recommended settings on their websites. I have people coming to me occasionally with their own papers for which I did not store a setting and had now to search the websites again.


Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2016, 10:52:44 PM »

I basically followed Mike's suggestion - but I cheated - sort of.  I still have the install executable for v104 so I went back to that briefly, rang through the dozen or so profiles that I normally use and restored all settings per the prompt, then saved each with an appropriate name related to the paper, then reinstalled the latest QU.  Of course, I guess I wan't that smart - I didn't know that I could get to my saved settings in the manner that Mike describes or else I would have done that. In any case, now that i Have gotten use to doing this, it's as easy as the old profile change, and in fact actually involves fewer clicks - if that matter for something done intermittently. But it also gives me more control in a way - if I need it - since I can now save settings that include the profile and more - including paper size, orientation etc. etc.
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