« on: November 07, 2016, 10:08:13 PM » |
| Nov 7, 2016 Priority: Low v2017.108 includes UI optimizations and enhancements plus F10 to switch between Live View/Settings tabs. Mike
PH Focal-Scape
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 07:19:03 AM » |
Mike. I'm not sure but it seems that switching from the Live to Settings tab by clicking on tab is hesitant with pane rewrite (ie not as "snappy"). It may be my system. Anyone else experiencing similar? Regards Peter Nov 7, 2016 Priority: Low v2017.108 includes UI optimizations and enhancements plus F10 to switch between Live View/Settings tabs. Mike
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2016, 12:14:27 PM » |
Anyone else experiencing similar? All very slick here on Windows 10. thank you for the UI optimization and the F10 Fred told me about another (secret ??) option that works: - CTRL Tab selects each tab in turn. Terry
Fred A
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2016, 07:32:37 PM » |
Fred told me about another (secret ??) option that works: - CTRL Tab selects each tab in turn. Terry
Tattle tale Fred
Ernst Dinkla
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2016, 11:35:47 AM » |
Hello Mike, Today I went back to 2017.102 after a week trying out the new UI. I could write a lot of experiences why 108 does not work well or is not fast enough with the HP Z3200-PS PS3 and PCL3 drivers, it would become a long message and one that is more related to my printers. I'm not alone though in this as Bernard has similar experiences for his Canon and Epson wide formats. He went back days ago. We miss the direct and full access to all the driver settings. Going back and forth between the extra settings menu in 108 and the (now slower) real driver menu shows flaws in our practice. Where you might expect that the 108 version would diminish control errors on sizes, color management etc with the driver and processing settings in one window, it does not here in practice. Maybe if all driver settings are made interactive in that window but I suspect that it might be good for Epsons and less so for other brands. Possibly has to do with the driver structure and how we work with our wide formats. I sincerely gave it a try but for me 108 has not been an upgrade. Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst 2016 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2016, 12:43:28 PM » |
Ernst, Of course, you are free to use an old version if you like. In the mean time, we will continue to move forward. I've received dozens of emails thanking me for the new setup with examples of how it has made workflows much easier, mostly from wide format users, so I'm afraid finding two people who have yet to embrace the new workflow is not an indication that "the old way was better". The fact that I've gotten so many kudos on the intelligent printer setup actually surprises me since you tend to get more complaints than compliments in this business as most people who like something usually don't offer feedback. I wish you had elaborated because I would have preferred a long post since I can't make sense of anything you said in your post above. Here's what I mean: - Driver access: You still have the same driver access as before. Click the "properties" button and use the driver to set any settings you like. If you don't like setting media type or size outside the driver, ignore them and click properties and set them in the driver (as before). At least primary settings like media type and size are visible without opening the driver. You also still have the same save/recall functions and even those have been further refined to allow you to show setups for the current printer (if you have more than one printer).
- Speed: The driver properties open the same way as before. There may be a half second delay for it to open the helper window but I can't imagine any scenario where a half second affects workflow.
Simply put, you have the same features as before and you could use the same workflow as before if you choose to do that. The only difference is that the important settings like media type and size are duplicated where you can see them without opening the driver and once you've set them up once, you can recall setups by just selecting a paper type. So maybe the longer post you referred to would clarify your position but as it stands, I can't make any sense of your post above. Regards, Mike
Ernst Dinkla
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2016, 11:47:23 AM » |
Mike, I have come across more things I do not like but here are 3 examples; Why should I verify the driver settings if I change paper type in the QU Settings? And the driver takes that change so I do not have to verify it but meanwhile that error stands in my settings. That happens for some paper type changes and sometimes not. Both in the PCL3 and PS3 driver. I am aware that I might need to change the gloss enhancer settings there if I go from matte to gloss paper but it happens too within a group of matte papers etc. Ideally in QU Settings if I switch to another matte paper I should only change the printer profile in QU Process Settings and start printing, done that for >15 years. If I have to verify a change like that I rather do my settings in the printer driver right away and then with Live View still open. I know my default sizes, paper type and other settings in the four drivers for my two Z printers, I have made them similar in all drivers so for example the default print page size stays on 1107x3266 mm. However if I click the Default Printer settings button in QU that default size is indicated in QU settings but the actual print page in QU stays on the size I had there before. Sure I get the warning that things do not correspond between QU Settings and the driver settings. I wonder what use I have for that Default button in QU Settings, if I need the default settings I like to get them in the Live View Print Page too. The warning I could ignore as I know my defaults but here I still have to go to the driver settings. Switching printers twice does not bring that default size either. Remove paper white can be done with the PS3 driver but it takes an odd name from the paper list and shows the real cropped size under that. There is no going back to the driver for other settings then like gloss enhancer on/off, a conflict with sizes starts or an elaborate way to overcome that has to be followed otherwise my nested images end up on Letter size, not on the largest size I have as a default. Once in a while Remove paper white is also causing a non print of corner marks at one side. There are more reasons why Remove paper white is not ideal so I go back to creating custom roll length sizes on the spot for the PCL3 driver. It would then be very convenient if I can see the same image position distances to the paper edge as available in Edit Page, especially for the last loaded image. That saves me an Edit Page opening just to see those numbers. There is already information popping up when the cursor is on a nested image. I hope you can add that information in the last nested image, it would be a reason for me to install version 109 and learn methods to make use of the other features. Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst 2016 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2016, 01:18:21 PM » |
Thanks for the breakdown as that helps me to understand how you are using the features. A few comments:
First on the topic of verification, in your case, you should be using the verification as a "flag" to indicate that you have verified the driver settings: QU wants to know that you know they are correct. If you change to a new paper type that has not yet been verified and you know the driver settings are correct for that paper type, just click the Properties button and then click "OK" on the driver dialog. It will then show forever as verified for that media type. Remember that QU is written for all printer models and most printers will alter driver settings when you change media type. For example, if you are using a Canon printer and you are on an already-verified media type like semi-gloss where you know you have already set quality to 1 (finest) and turned color management off, and you change the media type to Luster, you'd think that you would just have to change the profile. In reality, when you change paper type in a Canon driver, the quality is reset to 3 (medium) due to the media type change. This happens inside the driver and you'll need to click "Properties" and drag the quality slider back up to highest. Drivers make these changes internally when you change media type primarily because not all media types offer the same options. Epsons are similar. If you know that your driver keeps all its settings (or recalls proper ones) when you change media type, you can just click "Properties", "OK" and that tells QU that you have verified the settings.
Your other observations (remove white space choosing a strange size and not working on the PCL3 driver) stem from the fact that the HP Z drivers have some non-standard behavior. Specifically, the HP Z drivers have no user defined size like every other manufacturer offers! Every other manufacturer offers either a "Custom" or "User Defined" size as part of the media size list. HP does not. Sure, you can create custom sizes inside the driver but they become presets, so there is no actual user size option. Even though the driver reports DMPAPER_USER (user defined size) to Windows as a valid option, when you use that option (needed to remove white space), the driver instead just picks a preset... presumably one that is the closest to the size you picked. I wish HP would fix this non-standard behavior and other non-standard behaviors such as requiring that the page length be longer than the width, and no print preview available in the PCL3 driver... but I'm not holding my breath. I regularly work with Epson 7xxx, 9xxx printers, Canon Pro-1000, Pro-2000, and Pro-4000 printers and none of them have a problem with the remove white space option because they have a user defined size available and they don't make restrictions like the length having to be bigger than the width. Only HP Z printers have those problems.
Oh, and your observation about the reset button not updating the Live View size is a bug that has been fixed in 109. I hope to get 109 out today or tomorrow.
I do like your idea of showing the maximum "used page length" on the Live View BTW.
Regards, Mike
Ernst Dinkla
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2016, 03:47:03 PM » |
I do like your idea of showing the maximum "used page length" on the Live View BTW.
Regards, Mike
Mike, thank you. You twisted my request a bit to an even better solution, if I interpret the above correct :-) The Remove paper white with Canon Wide Formats crops on the corner marks every now and then, according Bernard. We use the Corner Marks + 0.5 mm white Border+ as that one leaves visual guides up to the last cut. So not the cutting marks usual in the graphic arts for cutting stacks of printed paper, I abandoned a cutter like that some years ago. Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst 2016 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots
Geraldo Garcia

Posts: 46
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2016, 09:17:02 PM » |
Hello Mike and everybody else.
I just found two bugs on 2017.108:
1) Canvas Mirrored borders using "B+" works fine as long as Qimage doesn't need to rotate the image to fit the paper. When it has to rotate the image it works like "B", including the border in the specified size instead of adding the border to the specified size. I am using metric system in case it matters.
2) Some big, high resolution files that I printed just fine with 2017.104 are no longer usable and display "Image Read Error" on the thumbnail. Reverting to 2017.104 solves the issue, reinstalling the 2017.108 the problem comes back again. A Tiff file with 14173x9411 pixels is the example I have at hand, but I noticed it with some smaller images (but bigger than 80mp).
Edit: The first bug (borders) is intermittent, sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't, I am trying to identify a pattern but without success. The second bug about the high resolution files is constant.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 11:52:50 PM by Geraldo Garcia »
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2016, 06:06:28 PM » |
Thanks for reporting your observations. I've checked these out and here's what I found:
(1) The only time I get any behavior like that on borders is when the print cannot physically fit within the printable area using B+, so it reverts to "B". Can you post a screen shot or let me know the print size and paper size you are working with? I suspect you are just getting a fall-back action when B+ would make the print too big to fit on the page (printable area).
(2) I checked this out thoroughly after reading your message. I have a folder called "big" where I keep large image files that are up to 1GB each. Since it is a folder that contains large images anywhere from 400MB up to about 1.1GB, I can go to that folder and rebuild thumbnails to see if any show as "image read error". 2017.109 builds all of them with no read errors just as 2017.104 does. I'm not able to find any problem as all of them build in both versions without issue. I also looked at the code changes from 2017.104 to 1017.109 and there are no changes involved with image file reading or thumbnail building. I would suggest clicking "Help" from the main menu and hold the shift key while you choose "Analyze Current Settings". Let us know the values for the available memory that are shown there.
Regards, Mike
Geraldo Garcia

Posts: 46
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2016, 07:02:59 PM » |
Hello Mike,
Here is what I found so far:
(1) I can't make it happen again, but I am sure it wasn't the case of it reverting to B due to lack of space. There was plenty space left and the only way I managed to make it work was rotating the image previously on Photoshop so Qimage had no need to rotate it. Than it worked just fine, but even after that I managed to replicate the issue with the original file. I can't replicate it anymore because I uninstalled and reinstalled Qimage several times (108 to 104 and back to 108) and the problem disappeared.
(2) Some big images had the "image read error" on the thumbnail on my original installation of the 108 even after rebuilding the thumbs. Reverted to 104 and everything was fine. Went back to 108 and there was the "image read error" again on the same files. But... when I made it rebuild the thumbs everything was fine again. I can't understand why the 108 was displaying "image read error" the second time before rebuilding the thumbs, but what matters is that it is working now.
I guess something was wrong with my first installation od 2017.108
Thanks for looking at it.