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Author Topic: v2017.127 issues/comments  (Read 10652 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« on: May 23, 2017, 08:58:10 PM »


v2017.127   May 23, 2017

Priority: Low

2017.127 fixes: thumb display when QU opens to an album, error minimizing to system tray while print properties open, and a print preview bug when using cutouts with zoomed print crops.

Posts: 4

« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 02:19:53 AM »

I am missing something but since 2017.125 when I change profiles I am not prompted to restore previous settings.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2017, 09:35:42 AM »

I am missing something but since 2017.125 when I change profiles I am not prompted to restore previous settings.
Hi Sean,
I had to go back to the last version before the "Live View, Queue, Settings tabs appeared to make that prompt appear.
I am not certain, but I believe the new version with the tabs is a lot smarter and remembers the settings and profiles combinations.
If I deviate, I get the Yellow warning triangle to open the driver and check settings.

The prompt used to bother me. Sometimes, I wanted to try a profile I made on an A3 print which was set with an OEM profile.
If I answered Yes, I want to set it to the last time I used it, Shazam!  It would change the profile and also the paper size back to 8.5 x 11.
The print size would be too big for the new size, so that would go FIT TO PAGE. Now I have to start over.

If Mike has a more defined answer, he will chime in, I'm sure.

Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2017, 10:41:11 AM »

Yes, those new tabs are not easier.

I switch profiles a lot, have a dozen or more.

It was quicker to swap before those tabs appeared and it definitely is not setting printer settings now.

I have rolled back as I rely on Qimage to reset all my printers and paper settings for me.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2017, 11:36:15 AM »

The new setup is much easier when used as designed.  Sounds like you've been going about things backwards for a long time: you shouldn't be choosing paper/printer setups by choosing profiles.  Profiles are often named with obscure names and are mixed in with profiles for other devices, making them hard to find (there are often hundreds of unrelated profiles you don't need in the list).  The proper way to load settings is to save them as printer setups using the "Save current printer setup" button on the Printers and Settings tab, naming them as names you'll recognize such as "Canon Pro-100 Luster LU-101 - Quality 1" and so on.  Then you just click the "Recall saved printer settings" button on the Printers and Settings tab and pick that setup to load the print driver settings, profile, paper size, everything.  The new recall dialog even has a radio button for "Current printer only" so that you can see saved setups for the currently selected printer, weeding out setups for other printers if you have multiple printers.

In fact, the new intelligent printer settings allow you to just drop down and pick the media type you want from the driver and once you pick the media type, all settings are loaded for that media type such as profile, driver settings, etc. after you set them up once.  If you use one media type for multiple (such as third party papers), then you can use the save feature above to save/load multiple printer setups for a particular media type.

Your old setups by profile are still there if you'd like to load them to get a starting point: click the "Recall saved printer settings" button on the Printers and Settings tab and then click in the folder location up top and remove the "\Save" from the end and you'll see them.  You can recall them from there and then save properly as above in order to create easily "recallable" setups.

Posts: 4

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2017, 07:27:36 PM »

Thanks Mike,

I'll try that way.
The old way worked well for me. I make my own profiles and so they were named in a manner that was easy to select the one I wanted.

I had a sense of comfort when it prompted me to restore the settings knowing I had set it up and printed already. But saving recallable setups would be just as comforting.

My main concern was being able to recall the old settings instead of remembering the exact parameters I used to profile for each paper.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2017, 10:05:42 PM »

My main concern was being able to recall the old settings instead of remembering the exact parameters I used to profile for each paper.
I feel the same as you, but I make and save print setups for each paper, for each differenty profile, different sizes of the paper, etc.
So I have saved, Canon P-100 Epson Ultra Luster A3 H
I also have Canon P -100 Epson Ultra Luster A3 V
Both of those are the same special profiles, but pointing out that if I decide to change paper and profile after the print is all set, I can even choose page orientation.
I have along with those, many Canon P-100 Pro Luster, again with sizes and orientation .
Make a few and try it out.
Set youself ready to print.... then click teh SAVE button, then the P button on the screen that opens. Name it, and SAVE

Posts: 4

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2017, 10:07:50 PM »

Thanks Fred,

I will. Just changing my thinking. I am sure I will find ways to take advantage of the new system.
Qimage is the main stay of my print flow. Couldn't do without it.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2017, 08:52:24 AM »


v2017.127   May 23, 2017

Priority: Low

2017.127 fixes: thumb display when QU opens to an album, error minimizing to system tray while print properties open, and a print preview bug when using cutouts with zoomed print crops.


Hello Mike,

Not specific to version .127 and possibly I have a corrupted Z3200 PCL3 driver but could it be that you test the Z3200 PS3 driver more than the PCL3 driver? Windows 7 here. Over time the preview function of the PCL3 driver is neglected/bypassed, then the gloss enhancer settings, both Off and Economy Mode, are no longer transferred to the printer, now I see color issues appear that have no hardware cause. When I go to the PS3 driver there is no issue like the three mentioned, profiles are the same for both drivers. The PS3 driver has been more Windows driver standards compatible than the other one, something we discussed before. I could switch to PS3 but it has some consequences for old jobs.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2017, 04:27:03 PM »

Hello Mike,

Not specific to version .127 and possibly I have a corrupted Z3200 PCL3 driver but could it be that you test the Z3200 PS3 driver more than the PCL3 driver? Windows 7 here. Over time the preview function of the PCL3 driver is neglected/bypassed, then the gloss enhancer settings, both Off and Economy Mode, are no longer transferred to the printer, now I see color issues appear that have no hardware cause. When I go to the PS3 driver there is no issue like the three mentioned, profiles are the same for both drivers. The PS3 driver has been more Windows driver standards compatible than the other one, something we discussed before. I could switch to PS3 but it has some consequences for old jobs.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots

We have both installed and regularly test both.  It's possible that your QU saved settings for the PCL3 driver have become corrupted.  You could fix that by selecting the PCL3 driver in the printers dropdown and then clicking the reset button to the right of the properties button on the Printers and Settings tab and choose "all" for current printer.  And if you have saves setups (or jobs) for the PCL3 driver, instead of loading those, try setting up the printer properties from scratch so an old (possibly incompatible) setup is not loaded first.  That should clear any incompatibilities that might exist.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2017, 07:57:30 AM »

Thank you Mike,

Tend to forget that remedy, not the first time I went in the wrong direction. Getting old I guess.

BTW, testing the Overdrive 1200 PPI effect versus straight 600PPI with Bart van der Wolf's printing target, 130x130mm 600 PPI one and a shrinked 65x65 1200ppi one (not resampled). With and without profiling (target AdobeRGB assigned - AdobeRGB printer profile set). Still have to study the prints.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots
Posted on: May 24, 2017, 06:07:50 PM
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