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Author Topic: v2018.107 issues/comments  (Read 17680 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2017, 04:13:55 PM »

During the session when it was happening, it was definitely happening and I could actually watch the image vanish from the queue.  It was the only image in the queue.  When I clicked Done, I would again briefly see the image on the preview screen and the thumb would go blank for a second or two while it finished rebuilding.  Then when the new thumb appeared, ZAP, the image on the preview screen vanished.  I did this several times to make sure I wasn't doing something unusual. That's when I made my initial post about this yesterday.   But as I said, after I closed and restarted (normally) QU, I could not repeat this.  Till I try again in about an hour or so, I have nothing really intelligent to say about it - unlike the fountain of wisdom that I am usually.
Fred A
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« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2017, 04:22:42 PM »

unlike the fountain of wisdom that I am usually.

While you are at the "fountain", I would like sundae with vanilla ice cream, and hot fudge with marshmallow and whipped cream.
Thank you.
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2017, 06:37:43 PM »

I would like sundae with vanilla ice cream, and hot fudge with marshmallow and whipped cream.

Well Fred - I think I have a better chance of delivering that dessert to you still frozen in Florida than I do of repeating this issue.  Over the past 75 minutes or so, I have tried every reasonable and some unreasonable -  scenarios - even done some things with QU that are unnatural - probably against the law in half a dozen states - I cannot repeat the problem. I'm just going to go back to doing what I'm doing - if I can remember what that was. If it happens again - I'll try again to identify the environment.

Thanks for all of the suggestions

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2017, 01:26:29 AM »

Well, I finally did have this phenomenon happened again - after almost 3 hours of continuous QU use in editing and printing pictures - one at a time 8x10s centered on letter size paper. When it finally happened I immediately repeated the exact same edit and sure enough it happened again. I then went through a series of one photo edits and thought I had actually found an answer - but probably not.  The "remove from queue" situation only happened when I changed contrast.  It never happened on edits when I did not change contrast.  However, in subsequent tests, it also does not always happen even if I do change contrast, so I am probably no closer to finding out anything other than this anecdotal ramble.  (and why should that matter - I would think the preview page would not care or act differently based on the content of the .flt file anyway)

If I find out anything useful, I will let you know
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2017, 04:14:51 PM »

If I find out anything useful, I will let you know

Guess what?
I made the disappearing image disappear, just as you described.

I did it three times, and then I decided to make a video for Mike, and I couldn't do it on demand any more.

I had two in the queue. The second image had a crop and a cutout.  I adjusted the  location of the crop since that has a direct bearing on the location of the fade part of the cutout.
When I moved the existing crop up a half inch, QU sort of hung the crop and left the new location with the outline of the old location on screen.

I clicked DONE anyway, and Viola. Only one left in the queue.
I repeated it three times.   The image disappeared when the refreshed image did the "cluck cluck" to signal it was done rebuilding.

Since you have neen vindicated and no longer need that jacket with the laces in the back, don't throw it away. I might be looking for a used one.

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2017, 05:57:18 PM »

I did it three times, and then I decided to make a video for Mike, and I couldn't do it on demand any more.

As a great philosopher once said, oy vay!  I don't understand how this can happen.  A computer is supposed to do the same thing under the same scenarios.  I have not been back in QU since I made the previous comments but have been questioning myself since. Could I have accidentally moused over something and clicked (repeatedly?).  Could this somehow all have to do what else might me momentarily going on in the computer, like some kind of memory leakage thing? The thing is, when it happens I can more or less repeat it - for a while.  I just don't see how this can be a QU bug, but when I get back for my next session, if it happens, I'll try again to make some sense of it.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2017, 07:14:13 PM »

I'll try again to make some sense of it.
What about that laced up jacket?

Seriously, helping to debug stuff with Mike over many years, has rid me of the idea that a computer should do the same thing over and over.

A computer is supposed to do the same thing under the same scenarios.

That was true before the mouse.
The mouse rides over surfaces tickling various sensitive areas beneath it.
That is how we eventually evolved to making important use of video clips on how I made something happen.
Mike would watch the track of my mouse, and the speed of the cursor, and could repeat the problem.

That same philosopher, later in life was also quoted as saying: kishmere.... It happened here too!
Full Member
Posts: 120

« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2017, 09:02:29 PM »

Greetings! I'm still having this issue recalling some jobs from the log. However, I tried something today that worked. First, recall "Settings" only. Then recall "Job" (with images). That did not generate the stream of "Control has no parent" alarms.

EDIT: Sorry, this is not foolproof. I just tried to recall a job from a couple of weeks ago, "Settings" only and it threw the error.


« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 10:30:09 PM by bgrigor » Logged


"May fortune favor the foolish."
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