« on: February 27, 2018, 10:52:55 PM » |
| Feb 27, 2018 Priority: Med 2018.115 includes: - Soft proofing: New soft proof preview tool redraws the main live view as a soft proof preview of the printed page with ability to preview various profile settings.
- Intellicenter: New Intellicenter placement method always centers print(s) regardless of print size or roll/sheet selection.
- Color management: Updated the color management engine to LCMS 2.9.
- Fixes: Various fixes including a fix for the plug-in installer that was causing the plug-in for Photoshop Elements to not install properly.
Jr. Member
Posts: 92
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2018, 01:06:06 PM » |
This update is SUPERB !!! Thank you!

Posts: 43
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2018, 03:23:36 PM » |
Thank you.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2018, 05:34:44 PM » |
Hi Mike, New soft proof preview tool redraws the main live view as a soft proof preview of the printed page with ability to preview various profile settings. It would be nice if the redrawn soft proof was remembered so the normal and soft proof view could be compared with a click of the soft proof button. Rather like the hover over thumb, CTRL Space bar method with a single image and clicking the space bar repeatedly gives an instant comparison. Terry
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2018, 09:26:30 PM » |
Hi Mike, New soft proof preview tool redraws the main live view as a soft proof preview of the printed page with ability to preview various profile settings. It would be nice if the redrawn soft proof was remembered so the normal and soft proof view could be compared with a click of the soft proof button. Rather like the hover over thumb, CTRL Space bar method with a single image and clicking the space bar repeatedly gives an instant comparison. Terry Hi Terry, We didn't add that because comparing what your monitor can do (color-wise) versus a soft proof can be very misleading WRT color and contrast. In fact, I was afraid that it would lead some people to go back to "Let printer/driver manage colors". I think it's OK for a single image but when viewing a preview of the printed page, your printed page will never look close (color-wise) to how your monitor can render images and the "unwashed" may have a tendency to think the soft proof just looks bad (dull). In reality, often the actual print looks better than the soft proof because the print doesn't depend on trying to display printed colors on a monitor that can't render the same gamut as the printer nor can it simulate your particular lighting conditions for the print. With all that said, you can get a one-time instant comparison as you come out of the soft proof mode: when you close the soft proof preview, the page is updated to show how the images look on your monitor. Regards, Mike
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2018, 11:21:31 AM » |
Hi Mike, Thanks for your response which is fair enough. My main use would be comparing a paper manufactures profile with a custom one. The latter is usually better! I agree, a print usually looks better that the soft proof. I find gloss or luster type papers with a good gamut show little difference between the normal and soft proof views, just a tiny reduction in contrast with the soft proof view. However, matte and fine art papers with a smaller gamut than a gloss paper, show a noticeable difference where the contrast is reduced with soft proof. However, the actual print always looks better than the soft proof view. I must add, my monitor is of high quality, has hardware calibration and when validated shows very low dE2000 results. Terry

Posts: 19
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2018, 07:43:51 PM » |
Ok, can someone tell me where the "Print Quantity" box went? It was there a couple of versions ago, and it always frustrated me when I failed to check its quantity before clicking on an image, yielding an incorrect number of prints, but now I miss it. 
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2018, 09:19:05 PM » |
Hi Keith, can someone tell me where the "Print Quantity" box went? It's on the Print tab just below the list of print sizes. See attached screen shot, the mouse pointer is adjacent to it. Terry
Fred A
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2018, 10:15:41 PM » |
It's on the Print tab just below the list of print sizes. See attached screen shot, the mouse pointer is adjacent to it. Terry In case he means the number of prints in the queue..... also bottom of the screen. See snap

Posts: 3
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2018, 04:38:29 PM » |
Noticed that the Thumbs are displaying funny colors, blues are way off. However, when the image is put on a page it seems ok. Anyidea how this could be happening, or how I can fix it? Images are RAW files.
Fred A
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2018, 05:31:10 PM » |
Noticed that the Thumbs are displaying funny colors, blues are way off. However, when the image is put on a page it seems ok. Anyidea how this could be happening, or how I can fix it? Images are RAW files. Hi Liam What I would do first is to select all the thumbs; Click the first "A" above the thumbs, or use CTR A from the keyboard; any way you prefer. Then Right click one of the selected/highlighted thumbs and click on rebuild Selected thumbs. That should fix it. Fred Let me know

Posts: 3
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2018, 01:32:39 PM » |
Thanks for that Fred. Was just about to try that when I loaded the images and all looks good now. Would I be right in thinking it may have been because the RAW files might not have loaded fully or was it something else? Anyway, all looks great so the panic is over, thanks Fred.
Fred A
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2018, 01:40:41 PM » |
Would I be right in thinking it may have been because the RAW files might not have loaded fully or was it something else? Very likely just that. The cache files take a couple of minutes depending on what file size from what camera, and how many in the folder. The thumbs build right away, but they reset to proper coloring after the cache files are built. Fred