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Author Topic: v2018.123 issues/comments  (Read 7522 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« on: September 04, 2018, 04:12:02 PM »


v2018.123      Sep 4, 2018

Priority: Med

2018.123 includes:

  • Fusion interpolation: Further refinement of fusion interpolation to ensure the cleanest, most accurate prints.
  • Arithmetic difference: New Arithmetic Difference tool (right click menu in the Best Shot Selector): specialized tool for comparing an image against a reference.

Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 08:00:03 PM »

I was expecting 2019.100!!
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 12:23:19 PM »

Hi Mike,
Arithmetic difference: New Arithmetic Difference tool (right click menu in the Best Shot Selector): specialized tool for comparing an image against a reference.
I wondered if you would give a little more explanation and how one might use this feature and why values for "All Pixels" and "Edges only". Is there a special reason why it's been included?
I've attached a screen shot comparing an identical scene, one processed, the other as shot.
Posts: 7

« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2018, 03:05:49 PM »

Good news that the fusion interpolation is enhanced.
Can you give info what to expect cq. look for?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2018, 04:28:58 PM »


The top number is the overall "error" and is what is most often used: a difference of 255 being 100% "error".  Edges are judged separately because the human eye focuses on edges so the second block that addresses edges gives you an idea of how different (just) the edges are in the image.  Reason being, you can change brightness of the whole image slightly and not notice much of a difference, yet end up with a 5% error.  Change sharpness which produces a large change in the overall look of the image and because it only affects edges, the sharpness change may only produce a 2% error.  And so on.


Differences in (any) interpolation will only show in extreme cases such as taking a low res photo and printing it large, but the improvements are:

- Cleaner results with less background noise
- Cleaner and sharper edges with less pixelization

The changes appear relatively minor even in large upsampling jobs, so why make them?  We want the data path from printing software to printer to produce the most accurate results possible: results that are faithful to the original photo.  The new Arithmetic Difference tool in the Best Shot Selector was used to fine tune the algorithm to more accurately upsample everything from photos to line art, producing the most data-accurate representation possible.  All this means for the average user is peace of mind: that your photos get to the printer as accurately as possible.  The visible difference will not be notice in "normal" printing at "normal" sizes.  But at least you know that when you DO want to stretch something big, it'll do the best job possible.

Posts: 7

« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2018, 09:42:15 PM »


Differences in (any) interpolation will only show in extreme cases such as taking a low res photo and printing it large, but the improvements are:

- Cleaner results with less background noise
- Cleaner and sharper edges with less pixelization

The changes appear relatively minor even in large upsampling jobs, so why make them?  We want the data path from printing software to printer to produce the most accurate results possible: results that are faithful to the original photo.  The new Arithmetic Difference tool in the Best Shot Selector was used to fine tune the algorithm to more accurately upsample everything from photos to line art, producing the most data-accurate representation possible.  All this means for the average user is peace of mind: that your photos get to the printer as accurately as possible.  The visible difference will not be notice in "normal" printing at "normal" sizes.  But at least you know that when you DO want to stretch something big, it'll do the best job possible.


Peace of mind is very important.  From time to time large upsampling is needed.

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