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Author Topic: v2019.114 issues/comments  (Read 4414 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« on: March 05, 2019, 12:08:55 AM »


v2019.114      Mar 4, 2019

Priority: Low

2019.114 offers a raw photo update to support the latest camera models, plus some UI refinements.

Posts: 4

« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2019, 01:59:25 PM »


The Auto Roll feature could still be super useful to HP printer owners:   You could add images to a job while in Auto Roll mode, and then - at the end - you would know exactly how long to make the Custom Page in the driver!

Not as slick as drivers that support custom media length, of course, but much better than any other method.   This might be the foundation for using Auto Roll Mode to generate a TIFF export too?

One way I imagine it could work is that the user selects a "fake" QImage printer in the Printer dropdown, which allows the user to set the paper width to anything reasonable (e.g. 24"), and let Auto Roll control the length.  Once user has finished adding images, she will know exactly how long the paper needs to be.  User could then choose to either export the job as a TIFF for printing later at Original Size, or select a "real" printer (e.g. an HP printer) in the dropdown and manually set the length of the Custom paper to the size calculated by Auto Roll.

QImage could even put the length into the clipboard so it is easy to paste into the HP printer driver later, LOL.

This would be totally awesome!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2019, 02:36:48 PM »

I thought about a sub-feature that gives you the needed length but in many cases, that is encouraging disaster in the HP driver.  The HP Z drivers start to have problems (known bug) when too many custom sizes are created and saved in the driver and if you don't pick an existing one and modify it, you could run into trouble.  In addition, QU already shows you the needed length if you just hover over a blank area of (any) page on the live view.  The last statistic listed on the lower right is total printed length.

Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2019, 03:43:21 PM »

That's what I do today -  I have defined a single 24" x 40" page, which I add a bunch of images to.  If I need more paper, I modify that specific custom paper size in the driver.  When ready to print, I tweak the size and print.  I hadn't noticed the feature where QU displays the actual length precisely, that's very helpful.

Wouldn't it be cool if one of the driver's custom paper sizes could be "reserved" for QImage to modify...

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