Title: v2019.116 issues/comments Post by: admin on April 16, 2019, 12:53:58 AM http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u
v2019.116 Apr 15, 2019 Priority: Low 2019.116 includes a feature that automatically sets printer driver color management settings for most popular Canon photo printers (eliminates setting conflicts like double profiling, etc.). Mike Title: Re: v2019.116 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on April 16, 2019, 10:00:34 AM Quote 2019.116 includes a feature that automatically sets printer driver color management settings for most popular Canon photo printers (eliminates setting conflicts like double profiling, etc.). In layman's terms, while using my Canon printer, and I happen to be printing DVD labels whose paper is generally not concerned with color accuracy, I get my best prints using Let Printer Manage Color setting in Qimage. This auto sets the QU profile of qimage/prgb.icm in place in Qimage. It also requires that you set the driver's color management setting from NONE (no color mamagement) to AUTO; yes color management, Finishing that job, I change QU back to printing with a color profile, and QU will now automatically reset back to Color Management OFF or NONE. That is for very old people like me who forget to put it back where it belongs. If not too many complaints, Epson will be next. Fred |