Today updated Qimage-U from 2020.104 to 202.107.
New version has so many problems - i can't imagine.....
Found issues:
- program starts without printer about more than in 1 minute,
- builds a thumb cache for folder with Sony RX10M4 *.ARW and *.JPEG files (1142 files) - about 30 minutes !!!
- while building a cache constantly displays an error for some *.ARW and *.JPEG files (in version 104 they were shown without problems)
- when I try to change thumb size or sorting order - thumbs rendering process begins and lasts for minute or so.
Deleted 107 version and and reinstall 104 one - the difference between heaven and earth.
I can’t recall so many problems in the new version ...

P.S. I have Windows 7 x64 Pro, Intel i5 4th Gen. CPU, 16 Gb of memory. Qimage-U 2020.104 runs fast and smoothly