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Author Topic: v2020.109 issues/comments  (Read 8374 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« on: November 22, 2019, 11:00:41 PM »


v2020.109      Nov 22, 2019

Priority: Low

2020.109 supports more JPEG formats including CMYK and offers some UI visual improvements.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 02:59:39 PM »


v2020.109      Nov 22, 2019

Priority: Low

2020.109 supports more JPEG formats including CMYK and offers some UI visual improvements.


Hello Mike,

This must be quite a step in the color management, LCMS can handle it but nevertheless. Any advice on rendering intent to choose as we will still be faced with RGB device profiling for the OEM printer drivers?  I guess for CMYK color fidelity absolute colormetric. Most inkjet photo printers have a gamut bigger than the usual CMYK spaces.  BPC ?   Is this a prelude on more to come like Lab images support?

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2019, 05:01:18 PM »

It just allows QU to read CMYK encoded JPEG files.  LCMS does the rest.  Anyone who is using CMYK JPEG files should follow the recommendations for using that workflow as I don't use CMYK.  I see no benefit to it since printer drivers work in RGB as do all of my capture devices.

Full Member
Posts: 120

« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2019, 02:14:02 AM »

I just upgraded to v2020.109 having been using v2019.115 for a long time (and I've been using QU for years). This has never happened before. The very first two jobs I ran with v2020.109 did something weird. The first job (12 pages) had been processed and sent to the printer and was printing just fine. As I normally do when the next job uses the same paper, I spooled up the second job. To my surprise, the first job stopped partway through one of the pages and the printer started printing the second job!

Is it possible for QU to kill a job-in-progress on the printer and start another job?

My printer is an HP Z3200ps. QU is running on Win10 Home 64 bit.




"May fortune favor the foolish."
Full Member
Posts: 120

« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2019, 02:18:50 AM »

I also notice in v2020.109 that the manual job naming dialog appears at the start of processing which threw me at first. May I ask why this was changed?


"May fortune favor the foolish."
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2019, 02:00:21 PM »

There is only one thing that can cause QU to kill a job in the spooler: clicking the "Cancel printing" button on the top right when QU is not processing a job.  Unless you clicked that button by accident (instead of the normal print button), something outside of QU is killing the job that is printing.

Also, the job must be named at the start, before processing starts.  That allows QU to name the job in the spooler when printing starts and also save the job with the same name in the job log when processing is complete.  It's also more appropriate to name a job before the job starts as it's like saving a file: when you save a file, the file isn't saved first and then you supply a name afterward.  This was changed several versions ago to be more consistent with job/file naming in general.

Full Member
Posts: 120

« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2019, 06:35:47 PM »

Thanks Mike. I have since run multiple jobs on that same roll of paper and didn't experience any hiccups.

And thanks for explaining the rationale behind the job naming. I depend on the job log since I do a lot of repeat orders for clients, even some after several years. I would say it is a business critical aspect of QImage for me. Even when a job fails to reload properly (I have reported this issue awhile ago), I can still read the original job information on screen and re-create the job.




"May fortune favor the foolish."
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