Title: v2020.120 issues/comments Post by: admin on May 30, 2020, 08:27:54 PM http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u
v2020.120 May 30, 2020 Priority: Low 2020.120 is a raw format update that supports raw photos from the latest camera models. Mike Title: Re: v2020.120 issues/comments Post by: Ernst Dinkla on June 19, 2020, 07:51:56 AM Hello Mike,
There is something in the file info that worries me for some months. When I have Tiffs saved from Photoshop with the virtual image sizes QU seems to round off the image size info data to the nearest whole PPI number. By that shifting the sizes when represented in mm. That is a bit confusing when you know there can be as little a 1 to 2 mm to cut off an image the size of 70x100cm. I know that the final prints will have the correct size but the info sizes etc are now not really telling me enough. Some images that have close enough sizes in Photoshop and printing but show different sizes in the info's of QU. PS 1004 x 703,96mm 172,64 PPI QU 1001.8 x 702.4 mm 173 PPI PS 1004,0 x 703,93mm 171,096PPI QU 1004.6 x 704.4 mm 171 PPI PS 1004 x 704,06mm 171,652PPI QU 1002 x 702.6 mm 172 PPI Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst Dinkla "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H. L. Mencken Title: Re: v2020.120 issues/comments Post by: admin on June 19, 2020, 01:25:05 PM Hi Ernst,
Are you sizing them in PS and using Original Size in QU? Can you put one of those 3 images in Google Drive so I can see how the info is stored in the image? Regards, Mike Title: Re: v2020.120 issues/comments Post by: Ernst Dinkla on June 19, 2020, 02:30:54 PM Hi Ernst, Are you sizing them in PS and using Original Size in QU? Can you put one of those 3 images in Google Drive so I can see how the info is stored in the image? Regards, Mike Yes, that is the way I work. My customers send me Tiffs made in PS and set the (virtual) size (without resampling) in PS so it is easier for me to know what the print size of every image should be. I will do that. Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst Dinkla "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H. L. Mencken Title: Re: v2020.120 issues/comments Post by: admin on July 04, 2020, 12:58:15 AM I made some improvements to this in 2020.121.
Regards, Mike |