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Author Topic: v2022.100 issues/comments  (Read 15384 times)
Posts: 16

« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2021, 07:17:49 AM »

Of all the 20 or 30 apps I use regularly not one has a startup sound. I find Qiamge’s startup sound irritating. I know I can turn off all sounds, but then I won’t have the alert when processing is complete, which I do like to have. It’s been a familiar signal these past 10 years. (I don’t like the new sound, I prefer the old right-speaker ducka-ducka-duck, but I can get over that)

I’ll miss having the Top and Left position boxes on the Printers & Settings tab. I found them useful. Going in to advanced layout to tweak position on a single print is slower. Giving a multi-selection of prints all the same left or top offset is now impossible. How about including conventional Align tools in the main layout space (not in Advanced)? Last image selected is the one that everything aligns to. Qimage’s auto layout features are good, but sometimes I need/want to lay things out manually.

I like that the main layout space maximizes itself to the available space. Finally.

In the Advanced Layout Tools space I find that the page very often disappears off the bottom of the screen, getting chopped in half, or only showing the top third, if it’s a long page. I’ve never had this issue until this version. I want this page to auto-size correctly, like the main layout space does now, regardless of window size.

Please give us more than one pixel to grab when resizing Qiamge windows. Normal Windows windows have a region of about 7 or 8 pixels that functions as a resize grab.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2021, 08:34:36 PM »

See 2022.101, just released.

Posts: 3

« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2021, 10:42:13 AM »

Is it possible to get the 'cluck' noise back? I liked that it was loud and forceful. The new sound is more like an error sound. Would I be able to download the cluck sound from somewhere please and if so, how do I go about changing which alert sound is for what? The preferences seem to just let you enable a sound and play a preview - it doesn't seem to let you choose another.

Many thanks,
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2021, 01:10:15 PM »

I have no plans to bring the "clucker" back.  Smiley

The new sounds are more in line with Windows 11 sounds: more subdued and less intrusive.  The new sound was chosen specifically because it does not sound like an error sound: its ascending pitch is the standard for "connected" or "completion".

Posts: 3

« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2021, 06:27:56 PM »

Thanks Mike. That is a shame. Is there a way for users to change the UI sounds? If not, may I suggest this for a future release please? The "cluck" was very handy because it differentiated from a Windows error. Not all users are on Windows 11 and not all want to be, so on my own computer the new sound is out of place anyway.

I like the new Save Startup Settings feature by the way, a shame it still doesn't save the roll setting in paper. Sad

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