v2022.112 Dec 3, 2021
Priority: Med
2022.112 includes the following:
- 16 bit/channel printing: Improved simulated-16-bit printing algorithm for even smoother prints from 16 bit photos (on any printer driver)!
- Clipboard: New "Save Image From Clipboard" feature (in the File menu) allows saving screen shots and other clipped image data.
- Unclog (purge sheet) scheduling: New offset value in the per-job cycle tuning allows multiple printers to print purge sheets on different days.
- EXIF GPS info: Improved geotag compatibility for devices that record GPS info in photos.
- Page/border colors: Fixed a bug that could cause page bkgd or border colors to be inaccurate when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
- TIFF images: Updated TIFF library to support more TIFF format variations.
- Instaview: Fixed a bug that caused middle mouse click on thumbnails to not bring up Instaview if the image contained IPTC data.