Haven't downloaded v1.26 yet, that's next, maybe the question is answered there.
Playing with the new version (.125). Canon Pro-100. Pulled up a 2yo job. QU adjusted the settings automatically as outlined in the video. Except, Interpolation was set to "Fusion", the original setting (I think), and the little dot next to it was yellow; hovering the mouse, it said "Settings may not be optimal. Click to open settings." So if I'm not mistaken, "Forge" is the new favored interpolation method. Obviously, my question is, why didn't QU change that, or at least give a bit more of a heads-up? And is there any reason why I shouldn't change it to "Forge"? I don't think I have any that I wouldn't want to use "Forge" with.
One more: once the auto settings have been applied, right-clicking on the "Smart Driver Settings" icon (the "V"), the response is "PASS". I could make a guess or two what that mean, but I haven't been wrong on anything yet this year so I'm overdue, and I'll see if I can keep my streak going

. I'll wait for an official reply.
Otherwise, appears to be a fantastic update. I've always gone through the driver settings to be sure I haven't screwed anything up, this will save a lot of time. So thanks.