What effect does this have with the current Printer Drivers for our specific printers.
Will the usage of the AI driver improve current printed Photos.
In my case I have a few rather old Epson Models (R800 and R1800) plus the 3880. Using AI, Would I get improved printed Photos with these Model(s) printers.
Mike, you picked a (Modern and Current) identification -- AI
My regards, Vernon....
Hi Vern,
I'll try to clarify a little, but Mike will fill in better.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the name Mike tagged on to his latest gold nugget.
Essentially, it is simple to explain, and it works!! The only thing is, that when you start out, you wont believe it worked, so you will peek in the driver to be sure.
All it does, and it is amazing, is to set the settings inside your driver
Automatically to the optimal settings and prevent user error.
For example: It shuts off scaling so the print size comes out as you chose. It sets Quality to its highest number (which depends on the paper selected and the DPI of the printer. It sets Color print matching to the correct setting so you cannot double profile. If you use a printer profile, then AI sets the match to OFF or NONE. No profile, sets it to ICM.
Tons of stuff like this for all the Epsons, Canons and a few Brother printers. No HP printers as they live in a world of their own.
Will it make better prints? I think so because two items alone: Quality settings always reset to the highest even when you change paper and profiles. Two: No more scaling so when you request a size print, you get it.
.... and last item: If you click on that blue gear wheel, you open a box where you can shut off AI if you choose by unchecking boxes.
I have 60 printer driver in my machine and except for the HPs, it works on all including R800 3880, etc
Hope this helps