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Author Topic: v2023.100 issues/comments  (Read 16149 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2022, 11:40:56 AM »

Mike, does AI have anything to do with recommending, selecting, or other actions regarding  a Printer Profile for a specific Printer and type of Photo Paper.
With part of my basic review, I could (for example) select Luster Paper and also select a Profile for Matte Paper and it appeared to be accepted.  This would not be my choice.
This part is another reason for my inquiry plus hoping AI has some contribution for this area:
Intelligent: Manages all printer driver settings --- from color management --- to scaling and max print quality.

On other occasions, (not relating to the above) there was a displayed message indicating that AI has changed some settings.  Is there a way to be advised specifically what changes were made.

I am trying to evaluate what AI will and will not do.  The above items were from a very basic and short visit with the new Qimage version.
There was also one added item (that I forgot) until after I had posted my last entry.


All that is covered in the video but I know you said you can't see or hear it so I'll try to answer here.  You can get suggestions on which profile to use by dropping down the "Printer Profile" selection and selecting "Suggest printer profiles...".  The AI will make a suggestion based on the name of the profile but it can't know what is in the profile or what printer, paper, and driver settings are applicable to that profile or what paper you have loaded; it's intelligent but not clairvoyant.  Wink  If you are selecting from manufacturer profiles, the suggest profile option will usually put the relevant profile right at the top of the list (list sorted in relevance order) but if you have your own custom profiles, be sure to name them as the manufacturers do: with the name of the printer and name of the paper that is selected in the driver.  The filename/description is the only way to know how to match that profile with the current printer you have selected and the current media type so the suggestions will only be as relevant as your profile filenames.

On the second question, when you get the banner that says Driver AI made changes, it says "click for more info".  You can click the banner before it disappears and it'll tell you what it did.  Or if you miss clicking on that, you can hover your mouse pointer over the "Properties" button (the one where you open the driver) at any time and the hint balloon will tell you everything that Driver AI changed.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2022, 04:50:26 PM »

Mike, I really appreciate you taking your time to provide details regarding my inquiry.  Also, I want to apologize for my Hearing and Vision limitations.  I am trying to find a way to Download the Videos and transfer to DVD so I can view/play on my large screen TV that has added features regarding the Audio.

MY Regards,  Vernon....
Full Member
Posts: 186

« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2022, 07:40:38 PM »

I would have thought there was some simple voice recognition utility to create on-the-fly captions for video, but a quick search didn't turn up much. DW and I watch a lot of movies with closed captions and, based on all the errors, they must be machine generated. Dictation using the Microsoft utility for Word and such seems to work quite well.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2022, 08:12:34 PM »

Mike, I really appreciate you taking your time to provide details regarding my inquiry.  Also, I want to apologize for my Hearing and Vision limitations.  I am trying to find a way to Download the Videos and transfer to DVD so I can view/play on my large screen TV that has added features regarding the Audio.

MY Regards,  Vernon....

Oh no!  Please don't think you need to apologize for that!  The video is pretty useless if the video/audio is not well suited for you and that was my only point: if you can't make use of that... I'm glad to help you here!   Cool

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2022, 08:16:34 PM »

I would have thought there was some simple voice recognition utility to create on-the-fly captions for video, but a quick search didn't turn up much. DW and I watch a lot of movies with closed captions and, based on all the errors, they must be machine generated. Dictation using the Microsoft utility for Word and such seems to work quite well.

Have you tried just clicking on "CC" below the video while watching on YouTube?  Closed Captioning is provided free by YouTube and it does a pretty good job.  I try to speak clearly in every video, use a professional mic, and have no noise in the background so the YouTube CC feature picks up pretty much every word I say.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2022, 08:40:43 PM »

I may not be using this properly to control which post I am replying TO:

During part of my searching for a "working solution" to Download (using the Video in the Link in the first post of this thread) I saw a FULL Screen display of a YouTube Movie.
Is there a choice that I have not found to display the Qimage-U training Videos using the FULL Screen.  This would possibly allow me to view the Video(s) on my 24 inch Monitor.

If I can see the Video I would then add whatever Audio assistance (Devices) I need to hear the audio.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2022, 09:11:31 PM »

Take a look at the attached.  I've circled the two buttons you should click: just open the video in YouTube as normal and click the two buttons circled in yellow at the bottom of the YouTube interface.  One makes it full screen and the other turns on closed captions.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2022, 09:57:20 PM »

Attached is example of Screen Size -- this is separate since the original time I tried to send the file was slightly too large.
Yesterday, I saw the indicators (at bottom right) and checked them.  The Full screen I mentioned seeing --  fills the entire screen.
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2022, 10:00:17 PM »

I will try to send the screen copy file again.
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2022, 09:57:37 PM »

Note: I must have originally posted this in the wrong Forum since I don't see it there.

Qimage Driver AI Review_08-19-2022

I am checking to see if settings AI makes are different to what I have been
using.  I am using one of my Epson R800 printers.

Printer Profile:  Let Printer Driver manage color.
Type set to:  Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper
Using Quality set to -- Text & Image -- .

However, if  ANY of the other settings (are used) except Draft which are:
Text, Text & Image, Photo, Best Photo,--  AI will set to DRAFT and And

indicates:   Quality set to Fine 

The Bottom Driver AI setting is checked.
 "Always set Driver print quality to highest available"
(top 3 are NOT checked)
AI Changes choice in Quality to:   DRAFT
And indicates:   Quality set to Fine

This (to me) does not appear to be correct.
How can DRAFT be considered to be Fine Quality
Especially since Quality is set for Text & Image
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2022, 11:55:40 PM »

Well, I'm not Fred but...

This was covered in the 2023.100 thread but I'll repeat it here.  The R800 is now 20 years old and those old Epson drivers had two areas where you could select something they called "Quality".  Newer drivers do not have these contradictions.  You are looking at the main driver window where it shows "Quality Options".  These are basically presets where you can select an option and the driver automatically selects several parameters.  Qimage has in fact set quality to the highest available for that paper type but the driver doesn't know how to select the "preset" properly.  There isn't even a "Draft" quality for Photo Quality Inkjet Paper (see below).

If you want to see the actual quality setting in the R800 driver, click the "Advanced" button on the bottom right of the first driver window and then click "Continue" if you get a warning message about you having to be an expert to use that mode.  On the advanced window that appears, you'll notice that there is a new quality dropdown that says "Photo".  In fact, "Photo" is the only available option for Photo Quality Inkjet Paper: there isn't even a selection for "Draft".  So Qimage actually made the proper setting but the driver didn't know how to update the selection on that other screen.

P.S.  2023.100 says it chose "Fine" because Epson changed their wording back in about 2005 but only the names changed so Qimage is still doing it right (setting it to the highest available which the driver calls "Photo") but naming convention for the quality setting might not line up if you happen to still have a printer that is that old... and is still running.  Wink

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2022, 01:03:33 AM »

Mike, first I want you to know that I am NOT just "Nit Picking" I always like to know how to use a "tool" before i start using it.  That is what I am trying to do with AI.
I now have Downloaded Your last Video to my Computer and as a preference converted it to a DVD to use on my DVD Player and this is to view the Video on my Large Screen TV.
Now I can see the small details of the Video.  Also, the TV Audio is good.
Again, I appreciate your assistance. 
I continue to say that Qimage is the BEST -- and Amazing.

My Regards,  Vernon....   
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2022, 01:16:24 AM »

Forgot to mention that I have viewed (quick scan) the Video.
Part of the information I did not connect with and I believe it is due to my using the older Epson Printers so long plus not being Familiar with any Canon Printer.  Probably the Canon Printers was the most different part.
I do have a couple (Private) minor suggestions but not for posting on the Forum.  If you have interest, please send how to contact you -- to my Email address
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2022, 12:00:02 AM »

Note: suggest Fred (in the other thread) read my comments again.  I know the R800 is almost as old as I  am but I believe you (Fred) missed the point my comments.  However, I do appreciate your reply. 
Where is my post.
Note: Fred, I did a little research and found you are younger than me -- [Grin]....
My Regards, Vernon....
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2022, 07:52:10 AM »

I know the R800 is almost as old as I  am but I believe you (Fred) missed the point my comments.  However, I do appreciate your reply. 

It was Mike that was comparing your printer  (R800) to the Dinosaur.
... and I will be 90 on my next birthday.
Stay on the green side
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