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Author Topic: v2023.101 issues/comments  (Read 4090 times)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« on: August 23, 2022, 10:28:32 PM »


2023.101      Aug 23, 2022

Priority: High

v2023.101 includes the following:

  • Driver AI (Epson): Increased compatibility for Epson printers when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
  • Driver AI (Epson): Ability to select media type on the main UI for legacy Epson printers (R800, R1800, R2400, etc.).
  • Driver AI (Epson): Fixed some Epson drivers listing the wrong (or an old) profile when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
  • Profile suggestions (all printers): Even smarter "Suggest printer profiles" function with a better relevance sort.
  • Fit to...: "Fit to Page" and "Fit to Paper (scans/copies)" print sizes with hint balloons to better delineate the two sizes.

Posts: 17

« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2022, 07:27:56 PM »

Mike, I know this topic of fit to paper is well covered but I found this interesting, maybe it is already mentioned and I missed it. I defined a 12x12 media size and it was approx 11.7x11.7 printable. Auto-crop is off on the following, I placed a 4x6 image and selected fit to page and it gave me the expanded image filled to the vertical edges with approx 2 inch white space on the top and bottom which is what I expected. I placed another 4x6 and selected fit to paper, it gave the same image as the fit to page ( two inch white space top and bottom). I selected fit to paper again on the same image and it filled the entire printable area.
Basically, it took two clicks to fit to paper. Perhaps it is the 12x12 format that caused this but it would be confusing to someone who is expecting it to fill the paper on the first click. It is as though it needed an intermediary crop to fit to paper.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2022, 07:58:18 PM »

That's because you started with crop off but when you select "Fit to Paper", you are asking Qimage to turn crop ON because it has to fit the image to the paper and then crop the non printable margins (as the popup help hint states).  So if you do that, you've now turned crop ON: if you select Fit to Page or Fit to Paper a second time, it'll fill the page because you activated "permission to crop" by using Fit to Paper.

Just avoid odd gyrations like this and you'll be fine.  Or if you already sized Fit to Paper, turn cropping off (since that turned it on) before you resize again.  This is the reason the print gets its own circular crop icon on the print on the live view: so you know crop got turned on.

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