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Author Topic: What's New Qimagers?  (Read 41230 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2013, 08:33:35 AM »

Hi Jeff,
Just done a test on 16 Raws 23meg each.  16 seconds and all done.
That is fast. The equivalent test on my PC with 16 images ranging from 24 to 29 MB was 29 seconds, which is still very good.

That is very good when it includes 29 MB images.

These last few updates have enabled me to amend the work flow somewhat.

I have reduced the thumb size from large to small and use instaview to inspect.  I used to use Faststone Viewer for quick scanning a folder but it is now much quicker to use QU.

I will fire up Win 7 later and give details of my backup work flow, there is just the chance someone could be interested in my geriatric working.


Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2013, 05:35:13 PM »

Hello all

Work Flow.

Thumb size set to 'Tiny'
Instaview shows image large enough for evaluation. Saving space bar and Esc.

Flash card used to load images on to two external usb hd (one main working other backup) so back up drive only runs occasionally.
Images loaded into folders named numerically with description Eg.  0065 Somerset

Imaging cataloguing is by geriatric memory, I did at one time 'XP days' use something called I think imach but I made so many mistakes the record ended up useless so went back to memory.  Not yet organised to use Qimage album.

FreeFileSync - http://sourceforge.net/projects/freefilesync/ - is used to keep both drives in Sync (backup)

Left 0065 Somerset  >  Right 0065 Somerset

After first folder backup this is saved as a configuration 0065

Next backup after working on images in main drive - just recall 0065 and run it - very quick as it is mostly only copying over the small side car files plus a few others that have been worked on in PS and saved as .psd etc.

I keep a hand record of backups to do, again just 0065.  Then tick it off when done.

When I have a couple of Gigs of raws I bung them on to a dvd disk as another master back up. the raw folder contains only qimage workings so only raws plus sidecars. 

The danger here is fire or burglary, but I suppose we have to take some risks.

Using two external usb drives is not the quickest,  I should have the main drive as an internal. That was the original intention when I got an all singing all dancing win 7/64 quad with a solid state main drive.  But things did not work out as planned. There was a major conflict somewhere between the C Ss Drive, D drive internal and the usb/esata external.  The builder blamed me for installing crappy out date progs which I had not, it was just that the log files refereed to them.  In the end I told builder to sod off and installed a spare hd, reinstalled win 7 and have had no problems since.  Any body want a spare SS drive?  I dare not use it.

My processing of 16 images on the external drive is about one minute which shows the speed hit.  Changing over to a internal 1 gig main image drive is among things to do.





The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2013, 10:44:09 PM »

Hi Jeff,
FreeFileSync - http://sourceforge.net/projects/freefilesync/ - is used to keep both drives in Sync (backup)
No need for another program, QU can do this with Flash Card Copy Move by using the Update feature in the File menu, see screen shots attached. It's very fast!
My processing of 16 images on the external drive is about one minute which shows the speed hit.  Changing over to a internal 1 gig main image drive is among things to do.
Have you got USB 3.0 on your PC, most modern machines do? That is fast and I can't see any difference compared to an internal drive.

Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2013, 08:38:38 AM »

Hi Jeff,
FreeFileSync - http://sourceforge.net/projects/freefilesync/ - is used to keep both drives in Sync (backup)
No need for another program, QU can do this with Flash Card Copy Move by using the Update feature in the File menu, see screen shots attached. It's very fast!
My processing of 16 images on the external drive is about one minute which shows the speed hit.  Changing over to a internal 1 gig main image drive is among things to do.
Have you got USB 3.0 on your PC, most modern machines do? That is fast and I can't see any difference compared to an internal drive.

Yes, PC has a USB 3 somewhere but the drives are USB2

I know you have mentioned before that you use FlashPipe for back up, I have never got round to working that out, I am getting old and suffer from frequent chip overloads Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2013, 12:30:25 PM »

Yes, PC has a USB 3 somewhere but the drives are USB2
Ask for an advance on your pocket money and get a USB3.0 external HD. The prices are reasonable now and plenty of choice. I have a WD 2TB unit bought from Curries.
There may be better deals now.
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2013, 12:19:19 PM »

Terry. You say:-

"No need for another program, QU can do this with Flash Card Copy Move by using the Update feature in the File menu, see screen shots attached. It's very fast!"

I have been using Karen's Replicator since the year dot. Karen has sadly passed on and I presume the software is slow by today's standards. However, what I like about it is the ability to have a menu of copy options so I can copy whole drives or selected groups of folders. I don't see how one can do that with Flash Card Copy Move. Every time I say that about something in the Q family you come back and say "Oh, yes you can!".

Can you?

If not I may migrate to Jeff's utility - and pester him with menuing questions.....Run Jeff, before I get moving.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2013, 04:13:42 PM »

like about it is the ability to have a menu of copy options so I can copy whole drives or selected groups of folders. I don't see how one can do that with Flash Card Copy Move. Every time I say that about something in the Q family you come back and say "Oh, yes you can!".

I don't know where Terry is right now, but to hold you over until he gets here,,,,,,
Screen snaps.
Open Flash Card Copy Move.
and see snap 067
It shows "SOURCE" that you click and select the source folder or drive.
See snap 068
It shows Click on FILE and select SEND TO UPDATE FOLDER (destination)

See snap 069
Selecting the destination folder and you can see it's a D drive in my case.

See snap 070
Next screen :  What do you want to transfer...  in what fashion. ALL, NEW, Changed,,, whatever.

Also notice on 067, you see what it being transferred.   So many Raws, so many JPGS, so many videos,
If you click on a number in there, it will bracket that set and NOT send it along, so you can be selective...

I will let Terry take over from here.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2013, 05:36:24 PM »

Thanks Fred,

When you pick this up Terry my quest is for a menu so I can pick from say:-

Images from working folder on C
Images from holiday folder on D
Images from 2013 folder on J
Operating system and progs on C
Spreadsheets showing library of negs
and so on.

Each to the right folder on my removable backup HDD(s) so I can refresh it with the bits I know have changed.

I can't see the built in software of QU doing it as it is not designed for that - but if it does then splendid.

But thanks again Fred. You have clarified that aspect of the software. What I need are a form of pre-sets.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2013, 06:23:11 PM »

When you pick this up Terry my quest is for a menu so I can pick from say:-

Images from working folder on C
Images from holiday folder on D
Images from 2013 folder on J
Operating system and progs on C
Spreadsheets showing library of negs
and so on.

Each to the right folder on my removable backup HDD(s) so I can refresh it with the bits I know have changed.

I can't see the built in software of QU doing it as it is not designed for that - but if it does then splendid.

But thanks again Fred. You have clarified that aspect of the software. What I need are a form of pre-sets.

You have your mind made up before you learn what is here for you.

Yes, it will do all you want. Look at the full screen snap of that initial screen. I have control over the source by clicking source, and I have control over multiple destinations by making more rows,,, I can even develop raws to JPGS in it.
I have control over which files to copy and which to leave.

It's like writing a batch file in DOS and executing a copy command from one folder or drive to a different one.

Ok my friend.... but Terry will set you straight.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2013, 06:29:09 PM »

Hi Tony,
my quest is for a menu so I can pick from say:-
You can update most type of file/folder/directory with FCCM, non image files show as "Other". I would not advise trying operating system & program files, use a proper backup backup software such as Acronis for that.
With QU FCCM there's not a menu as such for doing what you say, open the feature and select what you want to update as Fred explained today and then select the destination. Files and folders are updated.
You can modify the source by clicking (and dragging) the file type quantities to get square brackets; they will not be updated. See attached screen shot.
I suggest you start learning by doing - make a test folder on your C drive and use FCCM to update another drive. Make changes to items in the test folder and update again. That way you'll get a feel for how it all works.
PS. I posted a set of screen shots similar to Fred's the other day, look at those too with FCCM open.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 07:38:39 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2013, 06:55:27 PM »

Thanks again Terry and Fred,

I see how you'd do it.

I'm not certain it'll be as quick as having a list of options to highlight but I'll give it a try.

Many thanks,

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2013, 08:21:41 PM »

I'm not certain it'll be as quick as having a list of options to highlight
But you must still have to select the directories/folders, which is all you have to do in FCCM.
That Karen's Replicator program seems to be more of a backup program, like Acronis (I thought you had that).
When I back up, I do the whole C-drive on an automatic schedule, set up once and that's it for weeks at a time. 3 separated backups per week and 2 per month.
I have just used FCCM to update my M drive directory of last year's 600D images, from the C-driver version; 7435 files altogether, made up from original raws, qrs & flt files, and images converted from the raw files.
See attached screen shot of report, 15 secs to set up and 8.5 mins to complete. The directory had 57GB's worth of files for FCCM to check and decide if M drive needed updating, 17.5GB was transferred. Impressive, Yes?  Cool
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 08:23:29 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2013, 10:47:23 PM »


"But you must still have to select the directories/folders, which is all you have to do in FCCM."

Yes. But I only do it once. Then I save it. So when I want to back up 'Holidays' or 'Current work file' it is there in a list. I don't have to browse around for my source and destination each time as I would in QU. Browsing around is a source of mistakes. Getting it right and saving it as a routine is safer and quicker.

QU is magnificent - but not for everything I want to do.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2013, 11:03:05 AM »

Yes. But I only do it once. Then I save it. So when I want to back up 'Holidays' or 'Current work file' it is there in a list. I don't have to browse around for my source and destination each time as I would in QU. Browsing around is a source of mistakes. Getting it right and saving it as a routine is safer and quicker.

How does this sound to you?

Terry, I own the same car that you have, a fancy Subaru, but it doesn't do the job for me. I have to have a pickup truck, full size for my needs.
You see, I'm working on some irrigation piping in the garden, and once in a while I need to bring home a few 6 foot lengths of PVC.
So Terry replies that the rear seat folds down in the Subaru making a contiguous trunk space from outside the rear to against the driver's seat back, and the pipe slides in perfectly.
But that means whenever I need to transport a pipe, I have to fold the seats back down.
My way, I just hop into my pickup truck and off I go!

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2013, 04:58:04 PM »


An appropriate story.

I used the QU facility to copy my 'Working Images' file from my drive C to my portable backup this morning. Yes, it works jolly fast.

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