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Author Topic: What's the BEST workflow for a lot of pictures?  (Read 7215 times)
Posts: 18

« on: April 18, 2017, 02:15:12 PM »


I've been using QI since early 2000's and love it.

I was wondering what the best work flow for a large photo shoot would look like now in v2017.    I still struggle working with lots of pictures, and use other tools to do things like cull pictures that are out of focus and duplicates etc. and backup images to my NAS.   I would like to use QI as my primary tool from start to finish without wasting time going back and forth.
I would like to import images from my card, cull shots I'm not going to use, refine raw, create filter, edit in PS if I need to do something that I can't in QI, add to queue or on deck, backup images to my NAS, and then print.

How would you do it?

I'm hoping I've overlooked something, or someone has some ideas before I go and add what I'm thinking should be done in the QI Features Request.

Thank you for your suggestions?

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 02:53:18 PM »

I'm hoping I've overlooked something, or someone has some ideas before I go and add what I'm thinking should be done in the QI Features Request.
Although you blitzed through what you are doing in general, the only thing I do differently is when  getting my images from the card using Qimage's Flash Card Copy Move (FCCM), I set it to copy the images from the card to at least one extra drive.
After I have finished addressing the filters for raw as well as flt for the editor, i will use the other part of FCCM, and copy all the new filters only to my backup drive, same folder name.
Since you are talking about a large volume of images, this will save some time.

Open FCCM, and click on the word SOURCE. Set that to your current working folder. Click the number of RAWS and it will bracket. Those will not be copied.
Now click on FILE  (see 148) and set destination folder on back up drive.
Snap 149 is a flexibility choice, and click GO. Lightning fast and all done.

Hope something might help.

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2017, 03:59:38 PM »

Hi Bob,
cull shots I'm not going to use, refine raw, create filter,
I doubt if there are any features you need to help with a workflow, ask and it may be there already!
Like Fred, I use FCCM to copy images to my main HDD and a backup external drive.
I would not normally delete shots (unless they were obviously very out of focus or badly composed), until I'd at least let QU built the raw cache and let QU's smart exposure and smart fill do it's work.
You could then use, from the thumbs right click menu, best shot selector to choose the best of similar shots and tag them by giving a rating. Thumbs can be sorted by rating.
My first stage of raw refine is to deal with white balance, either from a grey card shot or suitable image and copy to relevant images.
Then I go through batches of 7 selected thumbs (8- thread processor - leave one thread for other background processing) and do any detail refine work required.
After this, again using best shot selector and modifying ratings, choose those to edit with filters, DFS sharpening in particular.
I hope that helps a little.

PS. The other tool for selecting and rating images is the Preview/Add to queue button above the current directory/history drop-down. There you can rate and select images; it's not necessary to add to the queue if not needed.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 04:28:52 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 18

« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2017, 08:39:22 PM »

Thanks guys for your responses.

When I have a lot of pictures to work through, I don't want to have to go through the whole project multiple times.  That's why I'm looking for ideas.   

This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough I will shoot an event.   I may have to do a lot of bracketing and so I have shots that will have eyes closed, and mouths with weird shapes, blurry or out of focus images etc.   I don't want to have to go through all 500 images and cull them down 400 in a separate tool just to load them into QI to do my rating raw refines, formatting/ editing image compare and then prepare them for the queue.

The Preview/Add to queue process is really useful, and I use that a lot, but if it had access to all of the tools I need as I proceed through the project, my life would be much easier and better organized.    I know what I'm thinking is really stretching things, but QI has morphed into so much more than the handy printing page formatting program I first used it for 14 years ago.    I can almost do everything I want in one program now.

I'll ponder this a while before writing up my proposal for the feature request.

Thanks again.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2017, 09:17:16 PM »

but if it had access to all of the tools I need as I proceed through the project,

This makes me think of one "button" rarely mentioned or never known.
When you go into the Image Editor and deciding too light, just right, too this or too that; needs some better shadow detail here.... or whatever that an extra tick of FILL  or the repositioning the yellow ODR detail box would do it....
There's a little green button that pops you back into REFINE to do what you wish to touch up, and then it returns you back to the editor screen.
I even sometimes go right into the editor and go into refine using that route anyway.

See screen snap looking for the cursor arrow. Unmarked button.

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