Thank you all appreciated. But I'm still trying avoiding 'over thinking'. I assumed by what you inferred previously that I shouldn't touch driver settings.
But this is becoming cyclic.
Cyclic for you, Idiotic for me.
I never said don't touch the driver. What I did say was don't bother with the default setting in the driver.
The current page settings must have been set from when I last did a print. But this is precisely what I meant by the various defaults and settings. Setting a paper size bigger than needed will just waste paper. So if my one print is 15 x 20 and I have A1 already in the defaults somewhere this is what gets churned out, wasting half the A1 page. But if I set page size as mentioned, it isn't enough. But it least it told me. But setting 24 x 16, my print will cut the paper just about at 16 and not 33 or what ever and wasting half a sheet.
I specifically told you to make a printer setting, paper size, print size and all the others, paper type etc, and then SAVE the printer setup. I also said that you do this for various sizes and various paper types, including some for roll paper with single and multiple prints. Each time you print some different array, you save the print setup.
Next time you don't worry about anything, just recall the size and paper from the list of printer setups, and recall it.
Some of us have 40-50 saved setups. (Example: 5 x 7 Epson Luster. 8 x 10 Epson Luster. 11 x 14 Epson Luster. A3 Epson Luster... Again usin Epson Premium Glossy.... and again with roll paper size where you have 24 x 60, etc.)
So say as in your example I have several images I want to print, all at once, one after the other. Each has different sizes and profiles i.e. landscape. What paper size do I set, and where? In properties when printing or properties default? So if I set them all as the same paper size clearly the larger landscape 24 x 30+ won't fit to the page.
If you are using roll paper, you will have to tell the driver the size paper will be a little larger than the total length of the images put together.
Qimage will sort the images for you to conserve paper.
After you set an over sized page, and have your images set to print, you can set Optimal placement, and then look at your page in Page Editor and see the waste. Reset the page size.
If you are using sheet paper, Qimage will sort your images even on multiple pages to make the best use of the printer paper size.
You can print all at one time including changing printer profiles for each image.
So it seems that although I dont need to set any defaults in my printer driver, I still have to do most of the work and choose the most appropriate size options for each job.
Sorry if this is my fundamental stupidity or perhaps touching on an area people manage instinctively, but it seems to be perhaps an area that might be improved upon to make life a little easier. At least for idiots like me.
I think here is where we part company. The work you need to do is to learn how to use your tools rather than blaming the tools.
I am done, sir!
I think Terry hit the nail on the head.
I have repeated the instructions over and over, sent you screen snap after screen snap, asked you to play the videos, and still you come back to the same starting point.
Have you ever heard the old proverb? "A poor workman blames his tools?
I have been looking all around my house, and inside the computer room for the hidden camera. I must be on Candid Camera!! This cannot be real!
If anyone wants to take a different approach, I wish them luck, and you too...