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Author Topic: 5x7s Not Printing to Correct Size  (Read 15016 times)
Posts: 5

« on: May 27, 2011, 06:55:32 PM »

I've been printing 5x7s 2 across on 10 inch rolls with the ipf 8300 printer but the 5x7s printing on the right side have been printing cropped into the bottom of the print about 1/8" in addition to cropping the image approx 7/16 ", i.e., cutting into the fee of a group photo and into the logo area.
The prints coming off the printer on the left side are being cropped about 1/8" off the top

I've been using the compact or optimal settings along with auto crop and standard crop and borderless.
It is printing full bleed to the edge of the paper with not white border. I've tried several other settings, but I haven't been able to correct the situation.

Hope someone can help.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 07:06:36 PM »

This is a complex answer to your question.
The best bet is to watch this video on borderless and zero in on the overspray /expansion part of the video.
I think you will get most of the answers you need.
If not, pop back in, and we will try to work it.


That's the video link.
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 09:25:54 PM »

Thanks for you reply Fred.

I just can't understand why both prints aren't printed evenly across the page, but one is cropped more than the other (see attached image), it's not a matter of leaving a slight white border around the edge of the prints, but printing too far over the right edge of the print, there should be a more accurate adjustment to correct off-center prints.

 I may have to combine 2 5x7s in Photoshop and print 8x10s to take care of the problem.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 09:38:07 PM »

I just can't understand why both prints aren't printed evenly across the page, but one is cropped more than the other (see attached image), it's not a matter of leaving a slight white border around the edge of the prints, but printing too far over the right edge of the print, there should be a more accurate adjustment to correct off-center prints.

What size page did you tell the driver you were using in borderless mode?
I don't have a driver for that printer, but most edge to edge printing jobs where you need to use the entire width of the roll, call for you to describe the page size as 10.02 inches wide even though the roll is 10" wide.
Try something like that.
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 10:09:51 PM »

I had set up the paper as 10" by the length I was needing for the number of prints needed, i.e., 32".
I set up the paper as 10.02" and it made it worse. I went the other way with 9.97" wide and that didn't work either. It's the same in Ultimate also.

When it's ready to print in the Canon driver, the option "Center Originals Across Roll" is grayed out and doesn't let me click on it. That should correct the problem, but it's not letting me click it Huh?Huh???

Frustrating that something so straightforward as placing 2 5x7s across a 10 inch wide page doesn't work the way it should.

Thanks again Fred
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 11:14:13 PM »

Frustrating that something so straightforward as placing 2 5x7s across a 10 inch wide page doesn't work the way it should.
Using borderless mode expands the print size, so on paper, they'll be bigger than 5x7; the learning video Fred mentioned tells you al about that.
When sheet is used for borderless (the usual media for that mode) there is overspray to ensure the whole of the sheet is covered with ink.
You can disable the overspray in Qimage.
I'm not sure which version you have but in QU, the menu option is in Preferences, Page Formatting.
Posts: 5

« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 12:12:07 AM »

Terry, I disabled the overspray feature and tried it in a trial version of QU, still having the same problem.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 07:29:53 AM »

Hi Stan,
I disabled the overspray feature and tried it in a trial version of QU, still having the same problem.
Older versions of Qimage (Pro & Studio) did have the ability to disable expansion too.
Did you watch the video? Check it particularly from 3 minutes to the end and note what is said at 6 mins, 7m:30s and 8m:40s. This seems to deal with your problem.
However, it is possible that Qimage is not able to turn off expansion with some drivers.
Another user had exactly the same problem a week or so ago; he solved it by turning off borderless mode. You'll have re-arrange the prints on the page but try it and I'm sure you'll then  get the correct size.
Back to an earlier post:
When it's ready to print in the Canon driver, the option "Center Originals Across Roll" is grayed out and doesn't let me click on it. That should correct the problem, but it's not letting me click it
I expect that is because it's in borderless mode.
Frustrating that something so straightforward as placing 2 5x7s across a 10 inch wide page doesn't work the way it should.
When you've seen the video you'll see that it probably is; what you think should happen and what actually happens in the driver (not Qimage!) are different I'm afraid  Shocked
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 09:43:20 AM »

Frustrating that something so straightforward as placing 2 5x7s across a 10 inch wide page doesn't work the way it should.
Sorry, but I had to quit for the day, and thankfully, Terry took over.

Here's some thing's: Check the print queue in Qimage and read out the print size to ascertain that Qimage is actually sending 5 x 7 to the driver.

Now read the printable area above the top right of the preview panel. I think you want to print 2 5 x7 with the two 5 inch sides together to 2 vertical images will fit on the 10" roll.
In order to do that, Qimage must report 10 inches or better or printable width on that roll paper. So 9.97 will not work.
In some drivers, there's a limit to how much we can cheat.

Using (as close as I can come) the driver for the 6100, I got the screen to show that it will and should work.
I set the page size to CUSTOM and then 10.02 x 15.00 Checkmark in borderless
That allows me to set 4 5 x 7s on that page, but most important, two 5 x 7s side by side.
See attached snaps.
The only thing I would have to print to experiment is the third screen snap; the one that offers you choices of whether to scale to fit or not.
I would try the upper dot with expansion on and off. Then the middle dot with expansion on and off.
One of those will work.
Give it a shot.
Posts: 5

« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2011, 09:32:44 PM »

Looks like "Print Image with Actual Size" is the setting I can live with. It gives me a 1/10" edge on the right side of the rolls, but at least it doesn't crop into the print as it did before (see attached).
Thanks Fred and everyone, you've been a big help.
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