I was hoping to learn that QI did it automatically as PS is said to do
At least with Qimage you can set what you like and use a Print Filter to make it automatic.
I know some users like to set the print clipping points (there was another post on the same lines a few days ago) but is it really necessary?
I don't think QI will accommodate two concurrent print filters
I know I can rebuild my current print filter to include the new clipping parameters but that is getting complicated.
With just the 2 adjustments, that is not too bad
I already use a print filter to lighten my prints 10% as I find QI prints too darkly.
I would not think it is Qimage printing darkly; any other colour managed program should produce the same result with identical monitor & printer profiles and driver settings.
This is more likely to be related to the monitor calibration and the set luminance values and/or the printer profile.
I used to have asimilar problem in that I had to lighten shadows, initially with a + gamma print filter and then later used a +Fill filter. However, since getting a much higher quality monitor the problem has more-or-less disappeared. On some papers I use a +3 Fill Print filter.
I know some users adjust their monitor brightness to match their prints, darker in your case. I prefer to set to a definite luminance value (120Cd/M2) and use an occasional print filter on certain papers. I don't have to remember which, it's all saved as Print Set-Ups
I hope that helps a little.