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Author Topic: Canon PRO-1000Qimage One Color Profile settings  (Read 9069 times)
Posts: 8

« on: May 05, 2020, 03:05:52 PM »

Hello. I also posted this question with the same title on DPR. No clear answer. Maybe someone here can help me?

I' m using Canon Pro-1000 printer and Hahnemühle Fine Art papers (also their ICC profiles)
At the moment in Qimage One, under Media Type I can ofcourse choose Canon' s own Media types (like " Highest Density Fine Art Paper", and more), but also all HFA (Hahnemühle) settings (I have downloaded them form the Hahnemüle website). Until recently under "ICC Color Profile" in Qimage One, I could also choose from all Hahnemühle icc profiles directly (I could actually see them all when clicking in this window). A nice list rolled out under this window/tab. Now, doing the same, it gives me a choice:

Color management off

Let printer/driver manage color

Choose a profile

When I click on " Choose a profile" a new smaller black window opens. There I can see all profiles arranged by date and time. It looks like a history of when I used what profile. So, many profiles appear more than once and also "Selected profile" (see bottom of these images), are different; EITHER from /Library/Colorsync/profiles/etc. OR /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/Resources/ICC Profiles/PRO-1000_series1/ etc.
There are however profiles, that show up more than once or twice...sometimes even 3 or 4 times. All the same. Like I said, it looks like I have to select from history. The list is very long and starts to get longer and longer.

I have 2 questions.

1. How can I stop this list from getting longer and longer (can I remove some? How?)

2. (more important) How can I reset Qimage One, so that all ICC profiles from Hahnemühle automatically show when I click on the " ICC Color Profile" window (without having to choose between "Color management off / Let printer, driver manage color and Choose a profile"). I do not want this new window to open at all. I want HFA profiles (Hahnemuhle papers), to show up in a nice row UNDER "ICC Profile" in Qimage One, when I click on that. Just like it does when I click on "Media Settings".

Thank you very much!

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2020, 04:21:20 PM »

I have 2 questions.

1. How can I stop this list from getting longer and longer (can I remove some? How?)

2. (more important) How can I reset Qimage One, so that all ICC profiles from Hahnemühle automatically show when I click on the " ICC Color Profile" window (without having to choose between "Color management off / Let printer, driver manage color and Choose a profile"). I do not want this new window to open at all. I want HFA profiles (Hahnemuhle papers), to show up in a nice row UNDER "ICC Profile" in Qimage One, when I click on that. Just like it does when I click on "Media Settings".

Thank you very much!

I'll try

Question 1 Simply open the list and highlight 1 or more and hit the delete key. See attached snap 059.
Question 2
I can offer what I have.  In Qimage, I open MEDIA tab TYPE. I open that and I see about a half dozen Fine art papers with designations of various densities; Heavy Medium Heaviest... etc.
I click on Profiles and (I never down loaded profiles from them but I did have one.)It has extra heavy fine art paper in its name.
Next I click on the Profile button to access the driver, and set Quality manually to highest whic is 2 with this paper.
Then I click on Color/Intensity and manually set that to MATCHING NONE. Close driver.
Ready to print.

When ready to select a profile use the feature that says, "Suggest printer profile. See 062
I hope I helped a little.
Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2020, 04:48:54 PM »

Thank you Fred. I' m on Mac..so I use Qimage One.

1. I cannot highlight more than one. Even so, it' s not possible to delete .
2. In the Media tab Type I can see those Canon Fine Art designations, but also all the HFA (Hahnemühle) paper profiles...so many more than you probably.
When I click on ICC Color Profile tab I can see what I described in my forst post AND the last paper (one) I used (Qimage One remembers last settings, as you know).
Now if I choose " Choose a profile" (because I want to use another paper profile)...this new, small black screen opens...with tens of possibilities (and growing).From this list I cannot delete any (like I said).

I was able to choose any HFA (Hahnemuehle) paper profile just by clicking the "ICC Color Profile" tab. Like in Media Type tab, all these showed up the same way (as a list under this tab); no other black window opened. I would love to have this back again. Don' t know what (I) changed.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2020, 05:00:51 PM »

Thank you Fred. I' m on Mac..so I use Qimage One.
I am on a PC W 10 but that WAS Qimage One.
The Mac may need a different coddling.
Let me pass your post to the Mac guy
Posts: 8

« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2020, 06:22:00 PM »

Ok. Would be nice Fred! Thank you.
Dave Chew
Posts: 6

« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2020, 09:48:41 AM »

After you download the ICC Profiles and associated am1x files from Hahnemuhle, do you use the Media Configuration Tool to load it? That is what I do, and I too have duplicates. BTW, Canson has a pretty good instruction pdf on how to use the Media Configuration Tool for am1x files. I have a copy here; it is the pdf that starts with "MCT...":

If you click on each duplicated profile while in choosing a profile in Qimage One, you will notice each copy is in a different folder. Many of them are in your user/library/Colorsync/Profiles folder, while the duplicate is in Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter... folder. I suspect this duplication occurs when using the Media Configuration Tool. It takes the profile, which you may have already placed in your user/Library/Colorsync/Profiles folder and adds it to the BJPrinter folder. I am guessing that folder is what communicates with the printer itself. Qimage One simply looks for ICC Profiles globally on your computer and reports back anything it finds. I do not know of a way to limit its search, so the only way to eliminate duplicates is to remove them from the duplicate locations. I might do this when I get around to cleaning it all up, but I do like having the profiles in that user/Library/Colorsync/Profiles folder for backup reasons (I may want to do a clean OS install some day and want those profiles). Since the profiles really are duplicates, it doesn't matter which one you choose. I am more interested in purging all the profiles for papers I will never use than worrying about the duplicates.

It would be nice if there was the ability to restrict Qimage One's profile search to specific folder(s), but I do not know of a way to do that.


« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 09:51:29 AM by Dave Chew » Logged
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