How do I set up the color management window.
It is difficult to set it up properly without a monitor profile. You need a calibration device to do that. However, a compromise might be to use sRGB as many monitors have a profile that is close to that but it's not guaranteed.
To a large extent, colour management starts with profiling your monitor so that what you see on the screen matches (more or less) what is printed.
You say you have a profile for the printer - that should be paper and ink specific not the generic one the printer driver uses to control colour. Tell us which printer, paper and the profile file name you are using and we can be sure that is all ok. Also, it will enable us to tell you in more detail how to set the printer driver although the profile should have driver setting instructions with it - that is critical.
I've attached a screen snap of my CM window.
I assume for the fact you mention Adobe RGB, you are shooting camera jpeg's. Note that the Honor Exif space box is ticked.
The rest should be straightforward but you need to know that colour profiles are stored in C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color.
Also, click F1 while in that window to get all the Qimage Help on the subject.
There is one other option with Qimage, especially if you do not have the correct profile for the printer/paper/ combination.
Set Qimage to "Let the Printer Driver manage Color", click the little printer icon in the CM window printer section. Qimage uses its own "universal" printer profile and can give good results. The Help tells you how to set your printer driver for this option.
That hopefully will give you a start on the Colour Management Journey
Please come back with some more detail about your printer etc. and we can go from there.