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Author Topic: Color mangement  (Read 9392 times)
Posts: 2

« on: March 05, 2010, 07:10:33 PM »

I want to use Qimage to print Print Fix (Datacolor) targets. But it is necessary that  color management is not applied.
I know how to set it in the printer and the Qimage job propierties, but Qimage seems to apply sRGB profile to an untagged image. How can you avoid this?
Please excuse my English.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2010, 07:32:44 PM »

Hello NHC,
Printing targets with Qimage is quite simple.
You need not worry about the default image profile of sRGB for an untagged/no embedded profile image because other settings take care of it for printing.

There is a Saved Job that comes with Q called Printer Target Set-up.job.
Click Recall, "J" for Job, then find Printer Target Set-up and OK.
That sets the size to "original" and turns OFF Printer icc.

You can, of course, set all this without re-calling that Job.
With the Printer icc set to OFF, no colour management will be applied during printing.
You must set the driver (from within Qimage) to No Colour Adjustment, or equivalent.

I hope that is of help; if something is not clear, come back again.
Posts: 2

« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2010, 08:29:57 PM »

Thanks for your reply. I thought Qimage  applied a sRGB profile to any file that doesn´t contain any, although the setting from Qimage or printer driver was "No color adjustment".

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 09:20:49 PM »

I thought Qimage  applied a sRGB profile to any file that doesn´t contain any,
That is correct ..... BUT ....
.... When Qimage "Printer icc" is set to OFF, the print is NOT colour managed and therefore the image profile is irrelevant.

although the setting from Qimage or printer driver was "No color adjustment".
"No Colour Adjustment" is the DRIVER setting, not Qimage. Setting from within Qimage just means that Qimage remembers it.

Printing a target is a special case where the driver has to be set to "No Colour Adjustment" and "Printer icc" is set to OFF in Qimage.

When printing an image and the printer profile activated in Qimage and "Printer icc" set to ON, it is important that the DRIVER is set exactly the same as the it was for the target print,  No Colour Adjustment, paper type and print quality etc.
"No Colour Adjustment" is required for colour managed printing so that the conversion process Qimage does is not corrupted by the driver. In other words, double profiling in some form is prevented.

BTW. your English is very good  Smiley Keep the questions coming if mine is not  Roll Eyes
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 09:41:35 PM »

Printing a target is a special case where the driver has to be set to "No Colour Adjustment" and "Printer icc" is set to OFF in Qimage.
Sorry to butt in, but maybe my screen snaps will help.
Terry is explaining that the settings to print the target are preset for you as simply as clicking a button.
You can see what clicking the button does by the screen snaps.
He was trying to explain that you can set Qimage to these parameters manually if you would rather do it that way.

He is trying also to explain that you should set the driver to No Color Management as well as the Qimage settings, and these driver settings will be the ones you use when you use the profile you are making.

Keep asking questions if it is not clear!

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2010, 11:21:22 AM »

I thought Qimage  applied a sRGB profile to any file that doesn´t contain any,
That is correct ..... BUT ....
.... When Qimage "Printer icc" is set to OFF, the print is NOT colour managed and therefore the image profile is irrelevant.

although the setting from Qimage or printer driver was "No color adjustment".
"No Colour Adjustment" is the DRIVER setting, not Qimage. Setting from within Qimage just means that Qimage remembers it.

Printing a target is a special case where the driver has to be set to "No Colour Adjustment" and "Printer icc" is set to OFF in Qimage.

When printing an image and the printer profile activated in Qimage and "Printer icc" set to ON, it is important that the DRIVER is set exactly the same as the it was for the target print,  No Colour Adjustment, paper type and print quality etc.
"No Colour Adjustment" is required for colour managed printing so that the conversion process Qimage does is not corrupted by the driver. In other words, double profiling in some form is prevented.

BTW. your English is very good  Smiley Keep the questions coming if mine is not  Roll Eyes

Some drivers do not have an option for No Color Management. In that case "let application control CM" is the best choice in the driver + Qimage CM on Off. According to Mike with Qimage CM off there will not be profile data transfer to the driver and the driver will only use the raw RGB data. Of any file so including profile creation targets.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/

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