we are trying to print a set of contact sheets, page size is 9x6 we have it set to print 9 images + info on a page , we are using images outputted from Lightroom (jpegs) at 50% quality, when we print the page size becomes app 36mb and the page takes 0ver 5 mins to print does qimage not automatically reduce the image size to produce an acceptable image quality but with a better print speed (there is over 36 pages of images to print) we are only sending one page to the printer at a time.
If this is not possible are we going to have to resize the images ourselves before importing into qimage. (we use the studio version)
I await your reply
There are a number of ways to speed up contact sheet printing. If quality isn't paramount, I think I might turn interpolation ("res" parameters on main window) to "OFF". That should result in a massive speed-up because Qimage won't try to antialias when downsampling. I'm curious about the 5 minutes though. I can't imagine 9 images taking 5 minutes to process even with the highest settings. What kind of PC do you have: how fast is it? And do you have the Studio Edition? If you have a quad core PC for example, the Studio Edition will print up to 4 times as fast with hyper printing on.