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Author Topic: Downloading.  (Read 10581 times)
Posts: 16

« on: June 15, 2009, 10:15:40 AM »

Suddenly hit a problem. Normally when I download from a CF card the shots all appear when the download finishes and a new file appears, by current date, in the list of files. Well, the download is still ok and I can work on the shots but they aren't being saved to the file. I can print them, I can save then individually but when I close the programme or even just open a new file of stuff taken, say, a month ago, they're not there and I have to re-download them.
I'm not aware that I'm doing anything gifferently or that I've altered the prog. in any way so advice would be welcome.

PS. Mostly raw but some JPEG. Makes no difference.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 04:06:31 PM »

Are you sure you are looking in the right place/folder?  The only thing I can think of is to pay close attention to the folder names and be sure you aren't getting lost in some other path somehow.  What's the folder name where you are looking?

Posts: 16

« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 04:19:06 PM »

Thanks Mike. OK, here's what I do, which has worked perfectly for the last three years.
Open Qimage.  Plug card reader in to USB.  Isert CF card, (tried with three, same result).
Click on copy/move icon.

Flash card copy/move window opens in main window.

I ignore renaming, just keeping the date as the file name.

I ignore "Copy/move files like".

Other options: "Image folder auto detect ON"
                     "Browse TO folder after copy/move ON".  (Don't know what these two mean).

From: DriveF:\DCIM\127\canon
To:           C:\Program files\Qimage

Hit "Copy"

Copying complete, thumbs now appear on main page. I can select them edit them frame them, whatever, and print them but then they vanish.

Above the main window in the "Folders" section are all my folders for the last few years and usually the new one appears at the bottom of the list, arranged by date. Suddenly it has stopped doing this.

Can't think where else they could be. I can go to My Docs - My pictures - Adobe - Digital camera pictures and there they all are, except my most recent ones. I'm not aware of having altered anything but Qimage is a complex programme and I may have hit a button-----.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2009, 04:27:01 PM »

From: DriveF:\DCIM\127\canon
To:           C:\Program files\Qimage

That could be your problem!  Why would you be copying photos into the Qimage installation folder: c:\program files\qimage?  That's a protected/system folder and in Vista, you'll have all sorts of problems doing that.  For example, it'll act like it's copying the files there but it really isn't: it's rerouting them to a virtual store.  Even in XP you might have directory access issues.  Try using a non system directory and the problem should go away.

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