Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage => Topic started by: Ernst Dinkla on April 12, 2010, 08:21:31 AM

Title: Extending soft proof tools
Post by: Ernst Dinkla on April 12, 2010, 08:21:31 AM
An interesting development:


met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/

Title: Re: Extending soft proof tools
Post by: Ernst Dinkla on April 13, 2010, 06:24:36 PM
Brooding on this. There are already some Qimage features that go in that direction.

Suppose a Qimage (proof) print page with several copies of one image(crop) and per image another predefined (subtle) filter set. It can be printed that way and it would give a proof sheet to base a final print on. It would be nice if that print page template or session could be saved with all the individual filters fixed so another image can be proofed in the same way without having to set the filters again. Adding the text of the filter next to image. The same but another template saved if there is a profile or rendering choice per image(crop). To compare for example the use of different renderings, profiles, papers and printers for the same image. The display of a proof print page on screen as a multiple soft proof so you can compare the effects (more or less) without making the proof print or as a first step to the printed proofs.

What is possible already for multiple soft proofs and print proofs and how should it be done? A bit clumsy but possible would be a print to file and the resulting Tiff with several filter or profile effects displayed on the screen in image examiner mode. It doesn't use the softproof side of the profiles then I guess. Most likely I miss some methods that already exist in Qimage.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/