
Posts: 3
« on: July 13, 2009, 12:37:44 PM » |
Hi Mike,
In the Full page editor, it would be useful to have when using "View Full Screen" option : - the real printed image (not the initial image), - the possibility to navigate through the images using the arrows keys.
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 01:41:45 PM » |
Not sure what you mean by the first one. There's no way to show a "printed" image on screen.
On the second one, the full screen view is initiated by the image that is currently under the mouse pointer. That function has no relation to the selected images. For that you could use the preview/add function.
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 02:54:51 PM » |
I am guessing he brings in only images ready to print.
But, I agree with the request. Once we have an image on screen (mouse over and Space) it would be cool to toggle up or down to the next/previous image with PgUp/PgDn.
Not high on my list; just for whenever you are pacing the floor at 2 A.M. looking for something to do next.
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 07:04:27 PM » |
it would be cool to toggle up or down to the next/previous image with PgUp/PgDn. You can do this by using the Slide Show function. Put the images in the queue, right click on the preview and select. In the Windowed mode, there are other features available such as Rating and remove from the queue. Terry
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 07:50:26 PM » |
Hi Terry- Just some extra steps to compare images. I do my first edits in Breeze Browser anyways. Then just move to a "print" or "work" folder. In news, we just tag then move to a "selects" folder with Photo Mechanic. A lot of other ways to do it. Personally, I have always thought some people want Mike to make too much of QI, rather just the best damn printing control out there. 
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Fred A
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 09:31:15 PM » |
Seth, Can also use the Preview P+ feature. CTRL A to select all the thumbs, and click the P+ button. You can add to queue by clicking ADD, or just keep clicking NEXT to see them all at your leisure. You can do NEXT or PREVIOUS to back up.
Fred A
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 09:33:23 PM » |
 Forgot to mention that you should make the P+ screen to FULL screen so you see a full screen image if you wish. Fred
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 12:00:48 PM » |
What the heck is a "P+" screen?
Anyway, like I said, I do edits in BreezeBrowser. It writes screens and builds thumbs much faster than QI. Also, it shows basic EXIF on the same screen as you page through.
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Fred A
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 01:01:27 PM » |
As soon as you select some thumbs, the P+ button above the thumbs becomes "Alive". IT'S ALIVE!!!!! Try it, you'll like it! Fred

Posts: 3
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 01:30:17 PM » |
Hi Mike,
Sorry, because I wasn't very clear in my previous post... I use the "Auto cropping" off, so I need to adjust the part of my image that will be printed. In the full page editor, the problem is that the orientation of the image is the orientation of the page not the initial image orientation, so, sometimes, it is difficult to adjust and check the part of the image that will be printed. It would be very useful, for me, to have in the "View full screen" the part of the image that will be printed and to have the possibility to navigate through the selected images.
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 01:31:56 PM » |
Fred- Cute. Thanks.
Like I said, I just don't go along punching buttons and see what happens. This one I will use.
So, for all you button testers, is they any to PIN the minimize button instead of having it slide out? (YES, I am hijacking my own thread!)
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2009, 02:47:38 PM » |
Like I said, I just don't go along punching buttons and see what happens. It's only software, you can't break anything and learning by doing is the best way. That's what I tell people I've trained. Terry.