Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage => Topic started by: jd on August 11, 2011, 11:20:31 PM

Title: Fixing the margin on a half-fold card
Post by: jd on August 11, 2011, 11:20:31 PM
I am printing on Red River half-fold cards.  I have managed to set up a page layout template to make things easy for myself (I don't use Qimage regularly, so when I do use it, it's always helpful to have a streamlined process).

After printing and folding the card, the borders on three sides of the image are about the same size, but the border on the top of the image is slightly too small (this is in the middle of the card, before folding; I actually rotate the image 180 degrees and print it at the top of the card because the printer is happier this way).

An easy fix is to "slice off" a tiny part of the top of the image (say, 0.06").

I'm embarrassed to say that I can't figure out how to do this; I can't figure out how to do it manually nor can I figure out how to "program" this into the template.  Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


-- jeff

Title: Re: Fixing the margin on a half-fold card
Post by: Terry-M on August 11, 2011, 11:31:28 PM
An easy fix is to "slice off" a tiny part of the top of the image (say, 0.06").
Edit the template by "Recalling" the layout.
I'm not sure which version of Qimage you have and I've forgotten  ::)  some of the detail for the older versions since I went over to QU.
Open the Full Page editor and select the template you want to trim. On the rhs of the editor page you can change the size by entering numbers directly, you need the crop scissors on.
Alternatively, back on the main screen, select the template that needs trimming and use Custom size to modify the size and reposition if required.
Don't forget to save the layout, clear the queue and use the template from Custom-Layout

Title: Re: Fixing the margin on a half-fold card
Post by: jd on August 12, 2011, 01:16:22 AM
Hi Terry,

Edit the template by "Recalling" the layout.
I'm not sure which version of Qimage you have and I've forgotten  ::)  some of the detail for the older versions since I went over to QU.
Open the Full Page editor and select the template you want to trim. On the rhs of the editor page you can change the size by entering numbers directly, you need the crop scissors on.
In the Full Page Editor, it says "Templates cannot be cropped".

(I am using Qimage Studio 2010.209)

Alternatively, back on the main screen, select the template that needs trimming and use Custom size to modify the size and reposition if required.

Do you mean I should use Custom > Layout to load then layout, then Custom > Enter Specific Size?


-- jeff

Title: Re: Fixing the margin on a half-fold card
Post by: jd on August 12, 2011, 04:41:34 AM
I've been able to come up with a solution using a combination of calculations and trial-and-error.  The calculations, based on reported printer margins, didn't produce the right results.  I measured the actual margins, then tweaked until the results were right.  I've saved this as a new template so I don't have to figure this out again (as long as I don't change paper or margin size!).