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Author Topic: How Q deals with embedded profiles?  (Read 7219 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« on: March 13, 2010, 12:37:38 PM »

I convert my RAW's with Bibble. I used to let it work in Adobe RGB but one of the inhouse experts recommends working in ProPhoto.

My first batch of images converted into a web folder looked grim and I found a setting to convert the images to sRGB in BreezeBrower (the utility I use to make my HTML folders).

I have also set Bibble into a mode that does not let it embed the profile so I am probably now safe.

However, I thought I ought to ask here whether there is any danger in Qimage picking up this ProPhoto profile and as to what it does when it finds it. I'm probably OK, but always keen to avoid wasting time and paper.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 12:51:10 PM »

However, I thought I ought to ask here whether there is any danger in Qimage picking up this ProPhoto profile and as to what it does when it finds it. I'm probably OK, but always keen to avoid wasting time and paper.
Hi Tony,
Basically, Qimage can do whatever you wish with regard to opening an image in the color space of your choice.
In answer to your question, Qimage checks for an embedded profile (which it denotes by applying an asterisk before and after the color space it shows you in the hotbar, and uses that first.
No embedded profile, then it honors the tag (if there is one applied to the image, and Honor Tag is activated in Qimage).
If neither of those, then Qimage will apply whatever you set in Color Management Preferences as apply to unknown images. This is usually defaulted to sRGB
Lastly, you can use CONVERT image and check Profile to Profile conversion to embed any color space you want; or in the batch screen, you can use Override ICC and it will apply as a filter and not embed.
Many options!!

Say Hi to the Queen.
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2010, 02:55:21 PM »

Thanks Fred,

I can see where it has found those ProPhoto embedded profile. Seems, from the full size screen of the image that it handles the colours in the way I intended.

From what I remember it is primarly HTML web pages that require sRGB and that was the fault I was seeing until I told BreezeB to force the profile change.

So if my Bibble guru wants me to work in ProPhoto I'll stay with it but not embed the profile.

Not seen The Queen that recently. Met Mrs Blair though.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2010, 03:05:16 PM »

So if my Bibble guru wants me to work in ProPhoto I'll stay with it but not embed the profile.

Just for grins, ask the guru what benefit is derived from working in prophoto, and the converting to RGB for the web.
Good to talk to you again.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2010, 03:52:37 PM »


In defence of the guru he does not know that the files converted to TIF's are then used on the web. His line was that that profile got the best from the info in the RAW file - then to be fed into the Best Printing Software in The World (aka Q). Rather than working in Bibble in sRGB mode. I used to run my Bibble in Adobe RGB - but the line is that ProPhoto is better!

And in fairness the output modes in Bibble invoke RGB when you use them for Web images.

My way of working is to get the best possible TIF's that I can take direct into Q - and then to post a selection of them on my website using BreezeBrowser.

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