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Author Topic: Increasing darkness on black text  (Read 5709 times)
Posts: 1

« on: October 21, 2017, 03:14:59 AM »


I'm new to this software and am still learning the ins and outs.

When printing, is there something I can do to make my printer print darker? As in, more saturated ink? I often print on canvas and would really like to find a way to darken the ink application. I have a Cannon iP8700 and it doesn't print nearly as dark as some small economical Epsons I have.

Thanks so much for your help! Looking forward to learning more about this.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 09:15:40 AM »

When printing, is there something I can do to make my printer print darker? As in, more saturated ink? I often print on canvas and would really like to find a way to darken the ink application. I have a Cannon iP8700 and it doesn't print nearly as dark as some small economical Epsons I have.

Good Morning,
I'll try to help.
Not knowing whether the image is RAW or JPG/TIF, I will offer solutions that will work an either.
With the image in the queue, double click in the middle of the large image o your screen.
You are now in the Image editor.
I would click on the LEVELS tab, and experiment with the M or Midtone slider, moving it to the left.
I would then have a look at the lower slider S for shadow, and move that to the right.
Use one or the other or both to achieve what you want.

You can also try the SATURATION box in the editor. Change the zero default to 50% and see what it looks like.

Last item:  In the printer driver, there is an adjustment for the "INTENSITY" of the ink, and the CONTRAST.
See attached screen snaps.

Hope some of this helps.

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