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Author Topic: Just got my Qimage-it's great, but I already need some help  (Read 15398 times)
Bill Oxley
Posts: 5

« on: February 09, 2011, 05:52:39 PM »

Hi Everyone,   I’m brand new to Qimage.  Just bought it after a few days with the trial addition.   So far, most everything is going well.
I have a new Epson 1400 (now kind of wishing I had gone up a level or two on that choice) and initially came across various printing issues from various programs I was trying to print from on the new Epson.  ie: the pic wasn’t in the desired part of the sheet paper, partial images, over cropped, etc.
Then I started searching and found Qimage.  I’ve been through several of the help videos, and read some on the help menu topics.
But, I’m probably like most, I didn’t buy this to read and learn (even though I WILL do that in detail as time passes), I bought it to print pictures.
So keep in mind, the training wheels are not off yet, and my first impressions are great.  With very little trial and error, I was able to print multiple prints on letter size photo paper that appeared just where I expected them, printed a few 4x6 prints, both bordered and borderless, no problems, and the prints look terrific.  So I’m loving this!
But now, ready to go to my primary reason for buying this printer: large format printouts.  And here’s where the training wheels fell off.
Just for the record, I’m an amateur enthusiast, owned many different decent camera over the years, and just recently moved up to a mid level camera, the Canon 60D.  I'm really liking this camera so far!
So here’s where I’m doing something wrong.  On the main page, I go to printer/page setup, choose the Epson, choose Super B(13x19), landscape, prem photo paper and keep most everything else at its default.  I click on the plus of the thumbnail I want to print on the 13x19 paper.  I want the print to be 17x11 for a nice frame I have ready for the photo.
The single photo in the queue on mouse over, shows 14.67x11.  Seems like no big deal, I need to make the photo larger, and I have plenty of paper size to do so.  I click on Edit Page, and photo shows on paper size, with rulers on, as all the dimensions I’m expecting.  The auto cropping is enabled, so I grab a corner, expand size so I get 17 width, the height, staying with in 3:2 ratio, maxes out on the page.  Don’t care about that as long as I get the 17 width, as my nice paper cutter can lope off some of the top and bottom to get the correct height of 11 for the frame.  I adjust the zoom a little so I have the image (a car) right where I want it within the 17 width.  Everything looks perfect, hit print.  Preview page looks good.
I now have a gorgeous picture of my prize possession car.   However, the print size is approx. 9.5x6 inches on my SuperB 13x19 paper.  Not what I was expecting.
I will firmly reattach the “training wheels”, but some guidance here in what I’m doing wrong would be very much appreciated.  I’ve gone through this 3 times, all with the same result.  With the SuperB at about 2 something a pop, maybe I should learn more before hitting the print button again.
Thanks in advance,  Bill

Bill Oxley
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 06:25:54 PM »

However, the print size is approx. 9.5x6 inches on my SuperB 13x19 paper.  Not what I was expecting.
I will firmly reattach the “training wheels”, but some guidance here in what I’m doing wrong would be very much appreciated.  I’ve gone through this 3 times, all with the same result.  With the SuperB at about 2 something a pop, maybe I should learn more before hitting the print button again.

Hi Bill,

This should go fairly easy!
OK the 13 x 19 paper is selected.
Next step should be to go to the Print Property Box with all the sizes. Make sure the crop scissor is on (scissor in color). Then Click CUSTOM.
When the Special Sizes box opens, use the top selection and type in 17 x 11, and OK out of it.
Now add your image...
That gives you the 17 x 11. Back on the main screen, click on the tab called Print Queue, and verify the print size.
See screen snaps!

Which version of Qimage did you get?
Someone is always here to help!

Bill Oxley
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 08:12:04 PM »

Hi Fred,

That went very easy.  I'm not quite sure why or how I couldn't get there in the first place, but I'll go back and review the various steps I most likely took the first time and learn from my mistake.

I really appreciate your time and help.

I got the Ulitmate version, and I just can't tell how much I like it.   A bargain price and it is so easy to work with.   Seems like it will do anything, and I'm sure I've barely touched the surface of what it can do.

I'm retired and using photography as one of my retirement hobbies.   I just love it, but have a lot to learn, so you'll probably hear from me again and again.  Forums like this are great!!!!!!

Have a great day!   And thanks again.

Bill Oxley
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 08:25:09 PM »

I got the Ulitmate version, and I just can't tell how much I like it.   A bargain price and it is so easy to work with.   Seems like it will do anything, and I'm sure I've barely touched the surface of what it can do.

This forum is great!  Yes, because all the people are generous with their advice, and will stay with you until you have accomplished what you set out to do.

If you open the print properties box again, over to the right there is a tool icon. If you click that, you have another set of sizes you can load. The large set already has the 17 x 11.
If you use a size often, you can stay with the default set of sizes but add a size to them, or change a size that you never use.

See snaps!

Feel free to ask as many times as you need to.
Bill Oxley
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 12:33:24 AM »

Thanks for pointing that out.  I'm just amazed how well though out this program is!
I'm sure the more I look, the more I'll find.  Now, just learning to understand some of the new things will be the challenge, but that will be the fun part.

I was reading a post earlier this afternoon about using raw photos for printing.  I've been processing some raws with the Canon DPP 3.9 software than came with my 60D.  I never thought about printing them in raw format.   Gosh, I have a lot to learn!

Bill Oxley
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 12:49:52 AM »

I was reading a post earlier this afternoon about using raw photos for printing.  I've been processing some raws with the Canon DPP 3.9 software than came with my 60D.  I never thought about printing them in raw format.   Gosh, I have a lot to learn!

Oh yes, this is the power of Qimage Ultimate.

Posts: 25

« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 01:49:48 AM »

Just an FYI to inform Bill that the latest software version of DPP is 3.93. Go to the Canon product page for your 60D, then Drivers and Software, Fill in the O/S version and you'll get a list of updates. Check the release notes under them such as if upgrading DPP upgrade the EOS Utility as well as some other components. Zoom Browser EX also has a facelift to some degree.

In DPP 3.92 there were some improvements and tool additions such as Unsharp Mask which you may or may not want to apply in DPP if you are going to do it in QImage. In DPP there were also improvements in tonality curves as I recall.

I was reading a post earlier this afternoon about using raw photos for printing.  I've been processing some raws with the Canon DPP 3.9 software than came with my 60D.  I never thought about printing them in raw format.   Gosh, I have a lot to learn!
Full Member
Posts: 127

« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2011, 05:47:19 PM »

from your Avatar you look far too young to be retired. :-)

Hi Fred,

I'm retired and using photography as one of my retirement hobbies.   I just love it, but have a lot to learn, so you'll probably hear from me again and again.  Forums like this are great!!!!!!

Have a great day!   And thanks again.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2011, 05:58:37 PM »

from your Avatar you look far too young to be retired. :-)
From his profile, he says he is 63.
I agree!
He looks like a teen ager by face.

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